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Why not throw away bread and photos


Source: Rambler

If you urgently want to get rid of some thing, first think about how to do it in order not to attract negative and minor troubles to yourself.

Photo: Shutterstock

Our ancestors also explained this by the fact that in no case could some items be taken out of the house or thrown out and transferred to other people, otherwise one could unwittingly “take out” all of the well-being from one's home. Rambler tells how to properly dispose of certain things.

Bread and salt

It has long been considered that bread is the head of everything, it symbolizes prosperity and a full life, therefore it is necessary to treat it with all respect. In addition, people who survived the hungry years in their time would never decide to just take and throw out the remnants of bread. So if you already have a few pieces, better give them to the birds or take with you when you go for a walk in the park. Surely there will be ducks that will accept your food gratefully.

As for salt, it is a symbol of good luck and family happiness. Waking up, lending or throwing it out, you are thus giving your well-being to other people.

Old photos and papers

Old photographs and some family archives, in addition to containing sufficiently comprehensive information about a particular person, also have their own energy. And therefore, if you just throw it all in the trash, you may begin to pursue minor troubles or health problems. If you want to get rid of photos and papers, then just burn them gently, and wash the ashes.

Purse and handbag

If you suddenly take it into your head to throw out your old wallet, then keep in mind that this way you can harm the energy of wealth, and then you will have to forget about financial success for a while. Therefore, it is better not to get rid of your old purse (or a clutch bag and a small handbag), but carefully fold them somewhere on the shelf.

Wrist Watch

To begin with, it is impossible to accept a gift or give a watch - this is a bad omen. But if you, for whatever reason, have accepted this gift, then in no case do not throw it away when it bothers you or becomes unusable. Thus, you will spoil the relationship with the donor until the complete break. If you yourself purchased a watch, but over time you realized that they are not suitable for you or they are broken and cannot be repaired, then do not rush to carry them to the trash. You can disassemble them, use spare parts for other models, for example, or already disassembled, mentally thanking for the service, dispose.

Wedding dress

It is believed that if a young wife gives her wedding dress, veil and other paraphernalia to someone, she thereby brings misfortune to the family, and the marriage can end without even starting. For the same reason, it is not recommended to get married in a dress in which someone has already gone to the registry office before you, thus you can unwittingly take all the sorrows, hardships and other troubles of that couple for yourself.

Hair and nails

This is perhaps the most personal thing a person has. And to transfer a part of yourself to other people is to give a part of your energy, well-being and good luck. In addition, if it gets to unscrupulous persons, it is not known what can be done with them. And you will begin to suffer headaches, to pursue minor failures, or even worse. Therefore, if you cut your nails or hair at home, be sure to flush them in the toilet, and not just throw them in the trash.


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