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Why not eat garlic and onions often


Source: Columnist

Have you noticed how after eating raw garlic or onions a headache? No, this is not the parasites have died, as some fantasize).

Photo: Shutterstock

Garlic contains sulfanyl, a hydroxyl ion that penetrates into the blood of the membranes of the brain, and it is especially toxic for higher mammals, says therapist and nutritionist Tatyana Fialkova for Browser... It has a high penetrating power. After Italian garlic sauce, even an encephalograph can see you for some reason "dead".

Observe yourself after a garlic lunch or dinner. Garlic can slow your thinking three times. It completely disrupts thinking processes and is toxic to the brain, since sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions penetrate any membranes, including the brain.

And if you have complaints of a weak headache, inattention / distraction, you cannot concentrate on work, just put the experience and see for yourself: exclude garlic from the diet for a long time, and then allow yourself a garlic dressing for lunch once - you will suffer a little;).

Ascetic monks avoid onions and garlic, as they know for sure that concentration of attention and prayer will not be normal for three days later.

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About onions in short, in the words of Avicenna: “Onions are one of the substances that cause headaches, and their abuse makes you sleepy. Onions are one of the substances harmful to the mind. Eating leeks causes headaches and bad dreams. Leek is harmful to eyesight, harmful in ulceration of the bladder and kidneys. ”

So, “onion - from seven ailments” is perhaps justified when there is ARVI, but there is enough of its own headache and drowsiness. In general, you choose.

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