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Why is 'meganmark' bad? The name of the Duchess of Megan added to the dictionary slang


Source: Gossip

Meghan Markle has been in the status of a member of the British royal family for less than a year, but has already gained fame as a “difficult duchess”.

That is what journalists call it because of public hatred with her father Thomas and other relatives, as well as because of rumors of quarrels with Kate Middleton and assistants in the palace, writes Gossip.

A few months ago, the name Megan Markle was even added to the urban slang dictionary, but the general public found out about it recently.

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The author of the dictionary article suggested using the name and surname of the Duchess of Sussex as a synonym for the word "ghosting" (stop communicating with a person when he ceases to be useful to you).

“She meganmarkled her friends when she became famous. She “meganmarkly” her sisters from the Bronx ”, - gives the slang dictionary examples of the use of the new verb.

Some users of social networks in discussions on the topic of such word formation called it ruthless and shocking. However, this characteristic of Megan relies on the assessment that close people failed to give her.

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Her stepbrother Thomas Markl Jr. called Megan in an interview with a fake.

“Once in Hollywood, she became a different person. I forgot my family, ”said the duchess's half-brother.

He claimed that he often saw and talked with her in the 2009-2011 years, and then Megan moved away from him.

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