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Why is it better to have a separate budget with my husband


Source: Rambler

In modern families, several types of family budget are common. The most traditional is patriarchal, when the husband is the main earner in the family. However, more and more often the shares in the family budget are formed in the opposite way: the wife becomes the main earner.

Photo: Shutterstock

In both cases, psychologists point out, the one who earns more or spends less on himself often has the feeling that he is “used”, writes Rambler.

And the one who earns less or sits at home with children, is sometimes forced to beg, like a child, for the smallest expenses. Therefore, maintaining a separate budget is gaining more and more popularity.

Here are the pros:


With a separate budget, a situation is impossible when a wife or husband unexpectedly spent all their money on their pastimes, and the family is forced to sit on pasta until the next paycheck. Everyone plans their own spending.

Lack of personal expense scandals

Husband wants to buy a radio-controlled drone, and wife a new smartphone? Everyone can buy from their own income. The situation when one of the spouses asks the second for money for cigarettes or lipstick is impossible: if you don’t have your own money, don’t buy it.

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Planning lessons

Very often in a pair one of the spouses blames on the second all the responsibilities for planning expenses. When the family budget is kept separate, such people are forced to develop in terms of financial literacy.

Negotiation Lessons

In each family, there are common expenses: a trip on vacation, buying things for a child. With a separate budget, the couple is forced to learn to negotiate such expenses. Psychologists say that the more often spouses seriously discuss family-wide problems, the stronger the marriage.

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Psychological maturity

In addition to a separate budget, when both partners live in terms of money rather as neighbors than as traditional spouses, there is a combined budget, when in addition to the husband and wife's wallet, the family has a common wallet for household needs and expenses for children, where both spouses contribute.

As a rule, separate and combined family budgets are maintained by modern and psychologically mature people who are able to build relationships not only on emotions, but also on agreements.

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