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Why Kirkorov against kindergarten, and how an artist prepares his children for school



Singer Philip Kirkorov forever took his children Allu-Victoria and Martina from kindergarten. The artist decided to educate the heirs, based on their own views.


The truth about how the children grow up the king of Russian pop, told his aunt Marie, who helps take care of preschoolers, writes


According to her, “Philip is a good dad,” whom children respect, although he is almost never strict with them.

“His intuition is superbly developed: Philip does not trust any fashionable methods of education, hears up his heirs, guided by his own plan. Recently, they stopped attending kindergarten, went to it for three years, but we were unhappy with the approach of educators to the development of children, ”said Mari Kirkorova.


She said that now children go in for sports, have been learning English and Italian for several months and are constantly “doing something with their hands” - painting, modeling.

“Artistic abilities also manifest themselves, but the children will choose their own path,” she says. - Now the family council will decide on the school. This is an important point, everyone is worried. Philip and I believe that the children are ready, but we want to hear them ourselves. ”


The day before, 30 April, Kirkorov celebrated his 51 birthday. The king of the national stage flew off to celebrate in Lisbon, where soon - from 9 to 12 in May - the worldwide Eurovision song contest will take place. Philip Bedrosovich also brought his wards to the competition - Moldovan team DoReDos.

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