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Why it is useless and even harmful to lose weight by the New Year: a doctor's opinion


Source: Radio Sputnik

Why not purposefully lose weight by the New Year, explained in an interview Radio Sputnik nutritionist, gastroenterologist Nuria Dianova.

Photo: Shutterstock

Before the New Year, many, especially girls, go on strict diets in order to look perfect on holiday. But strict food restrictions are difficult to comply with. A person who subjects himself to such a test often breaks down, becomes nervous, and may even become depressed.

According to the doctor, if, as a result of all efforts, it is possible to fit into the cherished dress, this is unlikely to compensate for the harm that could have been done to the body.

“Exacerbation or emergence of gastrointestinal diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis and very severe nutritional depression is possible. This is also a decrease in metabolism - people will lose weight to a greater extent due to muscles, and not due to fat mass, as it should be. Then, when the holiday overeating period begins, they will gain even more. Other concomitant diseases - hypertension, diabetes mellitus - can be aggravated, ”Nuria Dianova explained.

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The method of losing weight "from diet to diet" suggests that a person does not know how to properly organize his food. But you can enjoy food, get the most out of it and lose weight at the same time, the nutritionist explained.

“We need to assess the actual nutrition. Find out that a person overeats, what he is malnourished. Then analyze the main meals and find the most suitable food. For example, nowadays I don't feel like eating an ordinary salad every day: it is cold and does not warm. You can focus on light heat treatment: stewing, baking, boiling, steaming. The optimal rate of weight loss, which does not cause problems, is 2-4 kilograms per month. There are people who lose weight by more kilograms, but this comes at the cost of health, ”concluded Nuria Dianova.

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