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Food addiction, what is it?

Alla Tsvetkova



We have all heard a lot about the term food addiction. Today we will try to understand the algorithm, the main causes of food addiction and treatment methods.

We call many behaviors addiction — that is, something that we really want to do and do, despite the consequences. And what is food addiction, and are we all susceptible to it?

The algorithm for the emergence of addiction, be it alcoholic, gambling or food, is the same and includes social, emotional and genetic factors. In terms of definition, addiction is an all-consuming urge to do things over and over again that bring temporary relief. This is what you are forced to do, even knowing that it will entail negative consequences. Addiction is also characterized by withdrawal syndrome - a feeling of discomfort and intense cravings when you cannot get or do what you depend on (alcohol, buying clothes, chocolate, or slot machines). Food addiction involves consuming certain foods on a regular basis or in large quantities, despite the fact that it is harmful to your health. And the most interesting thing is that a large portion of food is not always a symptom of food addiction. Many people eat a lot just because they have been taught so, that is, they have such a habit, a family eating style that has been developed over the years. And if such a person is faced with the problem of being overweight, he can reduce the portion or switch to a balanced diet without severe discomfort.

Eating a lot and very fast on a regular basis is one of the signs of food addiction. For example, if you ate a couple of cookies and were able to stop, this indicates that there is no food addiction. With addicted people - a different situation. Having eaten some of their favorite food, they begin to absorb it until they are physically able to swallow anything.

People with food addiction are conventionally divided into two categories. Some eat too much, others eat not enough. For a dependent person, food replaces pleasure, entertainment, control, confidence and love, which this person lacks in real life. And there is an explanation for this state. From the point of view of physiology, endorphins, a hormone of happiness and joy, a natural opiate, are released on tasty food. After eating your favorite food, we are in a good mood, as they say we are “happy”, but this feeling does not last long. And each time, wanting to repeat these pleasant sensations, we gorge ourselves more and more often, and after a while it turns into a habit, and then into dependence.

One question remains: is it at all possible to be dependent on meeting the basic needs of a person? We have no dependence on sleep or water, or fresh air, we just need it in order to live. And only food causes a behavior pattern that is very similar to addiction:

• Constant search for the desired;

• Strong need to get what you want;

• The desire for a dependency object increases if it is unavailable;

• The need for more or more action as dependence develops.

As we can see, each of the above points approaches the definition of food addiction.

As food addiction grows, a person eats more and more, but not to enjoy, but to calm or prevent negative feelings when he cannot get the desired product. It is becoming more and more difficult to enjoy food, because the previous amount does not cause as much pleasure as before.

How to determine if you have wrong eating habits or food addiction?

Food addiction occurs if you develop at least three of the following seven symptoms during the year:

1. In time, I begin to eat more.

For example: I used to go to the store, buy food, at home I had a small snack and then went about my business. But now, returning from the store, I will not rest until I eat half of what I brought in the bag.

2. I have a "withdrawal syndrome".

For example: I eat various snacks to get rid of feeling tired or depressed. To allay the alarm, I chew something crisp: chips, crackers, crackers. I’m afraid that if I stop chewing, my emotions will get out of control and nothing can help me.

3. I eat more than I was going to.

For example: one eaten ice cream cone miraculously turns into two or even three cups. Or, let's say I was going to eat just a couple of chips - and twenty minutes later I found myself lying on the couch with an empty packet of chips in my hands.

4. I am trying or trying to limit myself to food.

For example: I tried to limit food intake, I used various tricks, but even during a long trip, my brain did not stop thinking about sweets - and I gave up.

5. All my time passes in search of food, eating it and recovering after a huge amount of food eaten.

For example: my day off is completely painted. First, I go to the supermarket and buy groceries, then I come home and eat everything. I spend the rest of the day lying down and take medications to improve my digestion.

6. I miss important events because I eat a lot.

For example: I come home and gorge. With a full stomach, I really do not want to go out into the courtyard, go to a meeting with friends, etc.

7. I eat despite the consequences.

For example: my chronic diseases do not allow a certain group of products, but, despite the consequences, I continue to eat them.

I also suggest that you take a test to determine food addiction.

Food Addiction Test

Physical symptoms

1. You think you can’t control food intake, especially fatty and high in sugar. In other words, is it hard for you to stop eating your favorite food?

2. Did you try diets or programs, but nothing gave a permanent (stable) result?

3. After you ate too much, did you use laxatives or did you exercise intensively?

Emotional symptoms

1. Do you feel depressed, hopeless, sad or shame when you think about your diet or your weight?

2. Have you noticed that you eat when you feel sad, or because of idleness? Or reward yourself with food when you do something good?

3. Do you notice that after eating the wrong food you become more irritated?

Social symptoms

1. Do you eat alone to not advertise your diet?

2. Do you avoid communication with others, because it seems to you that you look bad?

3. Do you eat up the food that has remained after someone or because it will soon spoil?

4. When you come to a holiday, are you interested in the menu or social circle?

5. Does the weight gain after the holiday on kg 2-3?

6. Do you feel that the craving for food would not be so great if the circumstances around you changed?

If you answered "yes" from 1 to 3 times - this indicates that you have the wrong eating habits. You are not so difficult to go on a balanced diet. For the preparation of an individual diet, it is better to contact a specialist, a nutritionist.

If you answered "yes" from 4 to 8 times - this indicates an average level of food addiction. If you want to lose those extra pounds, you need to work not only with the diet, but also with your attitude to food. It is best to contact a specialist who not only paints the diet, but also helps from an emotional point of view.

If you answered “yes” more than 8 times - this indicates a high level of food addiction. To lose weight, you first need to reduce the level of appetite. Otherwise, the reduction of the portion and the change in diet is not possible. In this case, weight loss is possible only when accompanied by a specialist.

If you have the most signs of food addiction, your weight loss program should include not only proper nutrition, but also take into account your psychosomatic features. Because weight loss is only halfway, the main thing is to keep it. Refer to a specialist who not only builds a balanced diet, but will also be able to change your attitude towards food, that is, it works according to the “nutritional psychology”.

In the next blog articles we will talk about how you can change your attitude towards food and overcome food addiction.

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