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Squeak of the summer season-2017: jewelry for teeth


Source: Spindrift

This summer, Skys, Grilse, and Twinkles again come into fashion. Spindrift.

The pioneers in this trendy direction were the Maya Indians, who first came up with decorating their teeth with jade and turquoise rivets. In 90's, many stars were fond of such decorations, but the first to appear at a party with a precious stone in their teeth was Madonna.

Now the jewelry on the teeth is demonstrated by Rihanna, Beyonce, Madonna, Hayley Baldwin and Katy Perry, Halsey and many others.

So what are the greaves, tvinkles and skyce?

Grizzly - These are decorative removable onlays that can be used on one tooth or several. They are attached with glue. More sophisticated options look like plates or a wide variety of shapes. They are encrusted with precious stones, made of various metals or their combinations.

Twinkles - These are miniature jewelry for teeth, which are made of precious stones (diamonds, rubies, emeralds) or precious metals (yellow and white gold, platinum). They can be made in the form of stars, hearts, dolphins, birds, flowers, crosses, signs of the zodiac. They are thinner than skyces, they are more securely fastened, and due to the use of precious stones and metals they do not react with food and saliva.

Skyces - These are fine small ornaments in the form of rhinestones of precious, semi-precious stones, metals, crystal, cubic zirconias, Swarovski crystals or other materials that are glued to the teeth. They can be different in shape: small squares, circles, stars, hearts, drops, symbols, letters. Particularly popular are the sky-shaped diamonds.

Most often, Skype is made of glass and put on the upper teeth (fangs). It is also possible to fasten skyce on a crown, filling or prosthesis. Their presence in the mouth is absolutely imperceptible, since the thickness of the skyce is no more than 2 mm, and the diameter is 2-2,5 mm.

There is, of course, a negative side to this fashion. Dentists say that such jewelry is the cause of their headaches, as some of them can damage the enamel of the tooth or injure the tongue if worn carelessly.

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