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A couple from California pleaded guilty to keeping 170 Yorkies in terrible conditions


Source: SFGate

In Poway, San Diego County, California, in January, 2017 was an organization San diego humane society discovered more xnumx yorkshire terriers and their hybrids in the home of an elderly couple. The dogs were locked in a dark room, the floor and walls of which were covered with excrement.

In such conditions were found yorkie. Photo: San Diego Humane Society

State authorities reported that unfortunate owners of York, Christine Calvert and Mark Vattimo, pleaded guilty to animal abuse. They are assigned a trial period, while for 10 years they can not have pets.

It is noted that dozens of Yorks were found in the same room. Dogs have a lot of problems, including fleas and matted hair.

About 30 dogs were discovered later in another place, and 46 were also found in a caravan in Primme, Nevada, where Calvert was arrested after escaping.

One of the rescued yorks. Photo: San Diego Humane Society

It is reported that dogs, including puppies, born in some animals, are looking for new decent owners.

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