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There was no poisoning, the cat did not run away, the will is fake: what is wrong with the story of Bari Alibasov


Source: TVNZ

Since the beginning of the month, everyone willy-nilly monitors the health of the founding father of "Na-Na" Bari Alibasov. News about the poisoning with a pipe cleaning fluid and the artist’s subsequent misadventures are spread out from each iron, so even those who have never been a fan of him know the fate of Bari Karimovich.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Russia 1

What the producer actually drank - “Mole” or something else, one can only guess. The only proven fact in this story is that Alibasov spent two weeks in resuscitation of the toxicological department of the Sklifosovsky Institute: this was confirmed more than once in the reference hospital. But everything else is very doubtful, notes KP.

1. Is it possible so quickly to kill after “Mole”?

When Bari got into Sklif, the news came one worse than the other. It was reported that the producer had a fourth degree esophagus burn, a second degree stomach burn, and a respiratory tract burn. He ate through the probe, and if you believe his inner circle, he had to remain a severely disabled person forever: “Bari Karimovich can never swallow on his own.”

And when the fans had already accepted that Alibasov would not be the same, two weeks later he was suddenly taken and immediately discharged. Moreover, in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, even before this, from each visit to the artist, they organized a whole show with press conferences and a gathering of fans at the hospital walls.

On the subject: 'Nasty circus': Alibasov was spitting on the Malakhov show and kissed the host. VIDEO

- If the diagnosis is made correctly, such an early discharge is impossible, - Vitaly Rumyantsev, a gastroenterologist, doctor of medical sciences, is sure. - There are a lot of inconsistencies in this story. If there was a fourth degree burn, this would mean a complete destruction of the esophageal tissue. And even if a person survives, which is very doubtful, the esophagus is removed. Believe me, with such a diagnosis, they don't go home in two weeks.

2. Can I lose memory after medication sleep?

According to PR people, Alibasov spent more than five days in a state of sleep - every day everyone waited for him to wake up, and awakening did not occur at all. The degree of nervousness grew with each passing hour: the son panicked that the doctors did not give any predictions, and the press service of the artist sent out the same news as reports every day: Bari was still sleeping.

When the artist finally woke up, it turned out that he did not remember anyone: he took Lidiya Fedoseyev-Shukshin to be her nurse’s spouse, he did not recognize her son.

“Dad has the brain of a five-year-old child,” Alibasov Jr. shrugged his shoulders.

On the subject: 'Bad amateur performance': Alibasov gave an interview after a coma and no one believed him. VIDEO

Then the memory allegedly began to return, but the trouble was: the last two years were erased, and after all, only Bari’s head kept ideas about the enchanting anniversary concert of the Na-Na group (this year the band celebrates the 30 anniversary).

- Loss of memory after medication sleep is absolutely impossible, even if it lasts five days, - said to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" anesthesiologist-resuscitator Lev Nikolaev. - This state is controlled: the effect of the drug ends and the person comes out of sleep. Such a case was in a bobsledder, who was in a medical coma for four months, Michael Schumacher slept for six months at all - everyone recovered normally, there was no amnesia.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Russia 1

3. Why doesn't Bari look skinny and his voice has not changed?

Already at home, after being discharged, Bari Karimovich was walking in front of cameras in negligee against the backdrop of a mountain of cans with baby food (in parallel praising a trademark, which suggests an idea about advertising). From the eyes of the audience did not hide that after two weeks on a starvation ration, the producer does not look emaciated: the stomach, sides - all with him. And besides, the voice of the artist after the burn did not change at all, Alibasov sings even songs!

- The way Bari Alibasov eats now does not fit in with severe poisoning, - says Vitaly Rumyantsev. - Apparently, there is no such diagnosis, this is fiction! With such a burn, he must feed through the gastrostomy tube - a tube into the small intestine (not to be confused with a tube through the mouth), bypassing the stomach and esophagus, the patient must have a hole in the stomach - but there is none.

On the subject: Hid the young lover? A gay scandal suddenly appeared around Bari Alibasov

In addition, Alibasov's voice should have changed. And he doesn't look exhausted at all: after three weeks on the strictest diet, a person should have lost a lot of weight. And Bari Karimovich is very fit, so for me this story is an absolute linden! I think there was no poisoning by "Mole", and the artist was in Sklif for other reasons.

4. Is it possible to make a will in the intensive care unit?

About who will get the untold wealth of the producer, they started talking in the very first hours. And again, with the filing of PR.

Allegedly, on the second day of Alibasov’s stay in intensive care (when no one was allowed at all - even his son was languishing at the door), a notary came and wrote a document right in the ward. Details were quick to inform the press: apartments for the son, a country house and securities for the wife, the rights to the group to the “na-naitsy” themselves, the precious cat Chucha to the assistant of Alibasov.

And after being discharged, the artist all over the country declared that Bari Alibasov Jr. had crossed out the will from the testament, angry that his son earned himself from his misfortune: “I will distribute all the shelters!”

On the subject: 'The heirs are worried, but Bari broke off all': relatives told about Alibasov's testament and his state of health

- Purely theoretically, a will can be drawn up in the intensive care unit, although if relatives are not allowed to see the patient (as was the case with Bari Karimovich - Ed.), Notaries have no special status that allows them to pass, - comments the notary Ilya Radchenko. - Here the main question is different: is the testator sane, is he under the influence of drugs? If so, not a single notary will undertake this.


5. Did the cat run away?

During the time Bari Karimovich spent at Sklif, his beloved beast - the Canadian Sphynx Chucha became a real gossip star. If you believe Alibasov's PR managers, the tail has managed:

1) run away from home during an excursion for journalists;

2) to bring damage to the owners in 800 thousand rubles (12 thousand dollars), when for a reward under the guise of Chuchi another pair of bald men were put on;

3) located in the martial arts center next door, where (what a coincidence!) Cats are honored as sacred animals and therefore refused money;

4) get advertising offers for 150 thousand dollars (!).

And when the news about the cat was over, a swindler appeared on the scene again, inflating Alibasov’s relatives - he came in with repentance, returned part of the money and asked him to return the false Chuchu to him. But it turned out that someone else’s koteyka was allegedly given to distort a certain obstinate Na-Na fan who refused to give him away. Solve the issue entrusted soloist Vladimir Politov.

“I don’t know any fan,” Politov dismissed the call to KP. “I don’t even know her name, and I don’t even know who she is talking about. I'm on tour now, so I will deal with all the instructions later.

On the subject: Cat Bari Alibasova received advertising contracts for 150 thousand dollars. PHOTO, VIDEO


Another couple of white spots in this story: Alibasov’s son didn’t apply to the police (“There are no cameras, you can prove anything. You are guilty!”), And no one has seen the false Chuchu - why haven’t they even photographed him?

- The bet on the cat was more than justified - everyone loves animals, everyone worries about them, sheer mi-mi, - says Evgenia Kulish, founder of the Moscow bloggers' community, specialist in promoting social media. - Often, such topics come up much better than scandals with an inheritance or some intrigue, people are tired of this. The story of the lost pet is simple and understandable to everyone, it echoes in the hearts. But as for me, the PR people outplayed here, the fragile border of realism was broken. Although there is no bad PR, and this turned out to be within the framework of the general hype and circus of absurdity around Alibasov.


Why was this play needed?

On this account there are two main versions. The first and most obvious is to increase the popularity of the group “Na-Na” on the eve of the anniversary show. The group, created in the days of the Union, is no longer at the peak of fame, and any scandal can be monetized.

The second version - with the help of this performance Bari Karimovich tried to take his son out of the blow. A couple of days before the poisoning, Alibasova’s daughter-in-law told on the TV show about the hard life with the producer’s son: she hit her pregnant, walked, escaped after the birth of the child and did not pay child support. But before this scandal was caught up in the press, Bari Karimovich urgently thundered into Sklif, and the caring son by the bed of the poisoned father had already appeared before the media in a completely different way.


“Show business is generally a continuous show behind the glass, and all means are good to achieve the goal,” producer Iosif Prigogine is sure. - There is only one question: with his consent, is it all done or not? One way or another, Bari Karimovich led the people behind him - this is a solid hype, people are very greedy for him. Today, give everyone scandals and negativity. The dirtier - the more effect, the dirt sticks. About 15-20 years ago it seemed that it was ugly and inconvenient, violating the concepts of conscience and subordination. For me, Alibasov is a senior colleague, and I have always treated him with reverence. But I don't like all this - how many times I have been in the hospital and in intensive care, and I always tried to hide it.


As Woman ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • Bari Alibasov was hospitalized at the Sklifosovsky Institute 4 Jun, after mistakenly drank the liquid to clean the pipes. According to doctors, he received a fourth degree esophageal burn, a second degree stomach burn, and a respiratory tract burn.
  • The next day the doctor clarified the situation: “The condition is grave, but you cannot say that it is hopeless or something. Bleeding can begin — now or on the tenth day. ”
  • On the night of June 6 - on the birthday of 72-year-old Bari Alibasov, the mass media published reports on his death, later - that the producer allegedly fell into a coma. The press service and relatives have denied this information. Lawyer Alibasova talked about his will.
  • Native Bari Alibasova will sue the manufacturer's company "Mole". Producer poisoned pipe cleaner, which looks like juice or drinking yogurt. The wife of the artist Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina will file a lawsuit against the company producing this cleaning agent.
  • Earlier, PR director of producer Vadim Gorzhankin told RIA Novosti that, perhaps, Alibasov can never swallow independently.
  • Can a person in his right mind and sober memory drink a whole glass of liquid with a pronounced smell and chemical taste? What kind of health problems can this cause? The narcologist tells.
  • After discharge from hospital, Bari Alibasov gave first interview with Andrei Malakhov - and the audience did not believe that everything that happened to the producer was true. His behavior was called a "bad amateur circus".
  • A few days later the producer came to the show Malakhovwhere he broke watermelons with his hands, fell from the carriage, spat in the presenter's face, and then kissed him, and generally behaved very strangely. The audience called everything that was happening "vile circus".

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