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From Pugacheva to Rotaru: Soviet singers who became symbols of the era


Source: Express News

Are you sure you know and remember each of them? We will tell you about the performers, whose work has become for everyone the standard of the Soviet pop song.

Photo: video frame YouTube / Helen MY

Alla Pugacheva

To deny that the majority of young performers were equal to the Prima Donna in the USSR is stupid. Listeners continue to argue that Alla Borisovna is not at all the singer she was before, but this is unlikely to somehow embarrass a person who knows that Pugacheva's work was one of the standards of Soviet music, the news agency writes. Express News.

Sofia Rotaru

Despite the years and changes that have occurred in the ranks of listeners, the songs of Sofia Rotaru are listened to no worse than in the days of the Soviet Union. The singer really managed to make her work unique, widely recognized and in demand.


It seems that behind the feminine beauty of Aziza is an incredibly strong character that was able to withstand everything that once suddenly fell upon its owner. The listener still appreciates and respects the work of the singer, often realizing that there is no one like her.

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Aida Vedischeva

It is difficult to imagine a vocalist who could surpass Aida Vedishcheva in her approach to the listener and the music performed on stage. The singer never cheated with the listener and always sang as if the passing concert was the last in her career.

Roxana Babayan

Roxana Babayan managed to impress the listener not only with her attractive appearance, but also with the beauty of her voice. Unfortunately, her gentle vocals and high professionalism were not immediately appreciated, but this did not stop the performer from becoming one of the unsurpassed singers of the USSR.

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Irina Bogacheva

It is unlikely that true connoisseurs of Soviet opera would allow themselves to lose sight of the work of Irina Bogacheva. Her voice not only made it possible to hear opera singing, but literally turned the listener's inner world upside down.

Angelica Varum

It seems that Angelica Varum's years are extremely beneficial. Until recently, she was a performer of the sensual "Town", breaking through to tears, and now she has become a pop singer with a unique and strong enough voice, about which there are practically no questions left.

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