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Dangerous Seat Belt Lies That Many Believe


Source: Easy Useful

Before driving off, the driver of the car must wear a seatbelt and be sure that the rest of the passengers, including those who are sitting behind, must do so.

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The belt is designed to hold the passenger in place in the event of an accident. This significantly reduces the risk of death in case of an accident. Nevertheless, there are still myths that say that you can do without a seat belt. These misconceptions are quite dangerous, and in the worst of circumstances they can cost lives. To distinguish a lie from the truth will help "Easy to use».

False #1: At low speed, the belt is optional

Relatively low speed - 20 – 40 km / h - at the subconscious level is regarded by the psyche as “safe”. Indeed, to die at a speed of 30 km / h is quite difficult, but to get heavy damage is quite possible.

It should be borne in mind that during a head-on collision, the speed of the cars is added up, and if the oncoming driver moves just as slowly, in total we will get 60 km / h. A person will receive the same blow as when falling to the ground from the height of the 5 – 6 floor.

But it is unlikely that anyone will consciously walk along the eaves without special safety equipment. You should also take a responsible attitude to your life and health, even if you need to drive only a couple of blocks.

Lie №2: Loose belt will fly out of the cabin and save life

To fly out of the car, never hitting a counter obstacle, and successfully land - a great success. The percentage of people involved in an accident who have managed to save their lives in this way is minimal.

Most likely, the passenger will be injured from a collision with the front backrests, the control panel and the windshield. In what condition he will fly on the asphalt - remains unknown.

Some people also appeal to the fact that the seat belt can prevent you from getting out of a burning or sinking car. In fact, if a person is conscious, it will not be difficult for him to press one button, because modern constructions can be easily undone with one touch.

Lie №3: If you are sitting behind the driver, you can not wear out

The place located behind the driver is supposedly the safest. After all, with the threat of a head-on collision, the driver instinctively tries to get himself out of the blow, thereby increasing the chances of surviving the one who is behind.

But this only works if the passenger is fastened. During the strike, his weight will increase several dozen times, and he will hit the driver’s seat with enormous force, thereby putting at risk both his and his life.

The driver risks severe injuries from a rear impact even if he is buckled up. Even a seven-year-old child without a seat belt poses a serious danger.

False #4: Fastening around the city is not necessary

Not all serious accidents occur on intercity routes. Yes, in the city limits, cars usually do not move at speeds of 130-140 km / h, but the total flow at peak hours is much denser, multi-lane traffic, traffic violations often occur. So, the probability of getting into an accident is still high.

With an average speed of 60 – 70 km / h, an unfastened person will receive the same injuries as when falling from a high-rise building.

Therefore, while driving around the city, the belt should always be used, even if the car is in a traffic jam. A sharp push from behind is enough for an unprotected driver to break the nose on the front panel.

Фото: Depositphotos

Lie №5: An adult can be held in the hands of an unfastened child.

The child in the car must be fastened - this rule must be followed by all who cherish the lives of their children. This also applies to schoolchildren, and five year old babies, and newborn babies. Why do some families neglect this rule?

For an adult, especially if he himself has no experience in driving, it seems that in the event of an accident, he will be able to keep the child in his arms. But the laws of physics say the opposite.

As always, upon impact, the weight of even a baby in 4 kg will increase many times, and the adult will not have the strength to hold it. This means that the child will either fly out of the cabin directly onto the road, or be injured when hitting the front seat.

It is necessary to understand that seat belts are not invented in order to make life more difficult for drivers and to raise funds by writing fines. This is a real way to several times increase your chances of surviving and minimizing the injuries received even in a serious accident.

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