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A waitress from Texas fed an unusual homeless person and was promoted


Source: Familyshare

In a small Texas cafe, where a girl named Maria worked as a waitress, there was a rule: if someone from the employees serves an insolvent client, the cost of his lunch will be deducted from the employee’s salary.

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During the change of Mary, as tells Familyshare, a man of dubious appearance appeared in the cafe's room, clearly hinting that he was a person without a certain place of residence and earnings, and sat down at one of the tables.

None of the cafe workers even looked in his direction, only Maria, knowing that she would be financially punished for feeding a homeless person, approached him, introduced herself and said: “If you need something, tell me, I will make sure you can receive".

The man ordered lunch, and then the unexpected happened: not only did he pay the entire bill, he also left an incredible amount - 100 dollars tip in gratitude to the waitress. A note was attached to the fee:

“Dear Maria, I want to express my deep respect to you. I can see that you respect yourself ... This is obvious from the way you treat people. Your good deeds will become an example for everyone who knows you. "

The note was signed ... by the owner of the cafe. Thus, the owner of the establishment checked his employees, wishing to make sure that they did not distinguish between the visitors of the establishment. In addition to tips, Maria was promoted - now she works as a manager.

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