Why he cries: common causes of bad baby sleep
Every parent passes through the night tears of the baby. Scary, sad, teething, stomach pain - every mother goes through all these reasons in her head while she runs at night, exhausted and tired, into the room to the child.
First, let's look at how much your baby should sleep: a child, depending on the age, the 8-11 hours should sleep. If he slept during the day more than expected, it is quite likely that the night's sleep will be shorter. But the most common reason for nighttime wakefulness and tears is physical indisposition.
Disease. You put the baby to sleep, and after an hour's 2 he woke up with tears. This may be common otitis. When the baby is lying, the fluid that has accumulated in the middle ear causes pressure and sharp pain.
If the baby has a spout clogged up - he wakes up because he has difficulty breathing. Also, cough, abdominal cramps and increased nervous irritability can be the cause of poor sleep.
The next reason is temperature drops. Cold, hot, wet. Small children are not able to invent such things, and, unfortunately, they cannot always explain what caused the discomfort. Grandmothers taught us to touch the feet, nose and ears. If they are cold - the baby is cold, if hot - he is hot. Try to maintain an optimal and constant temperature in the child’s bedroom.
Overexcitation. If you played for a long time before going to bed, ran in the yard, rode a bike half an hour before bedtime, then a fun night is guaranteed to you. Make it a rule for yourself: an hour before bed - quiet games, reading a book, a bath with soothing salt or herbs.
Stress. If there is a tense situation in the house, frequent scandals and quarrels, this can also cause poor sleep for your child. Even if he is not a witness to what is happening. The kids are very sensitive and even if the mother after a quarrel came to read a bedtime story, the child will feel her irritation.
Stress can arise as a reaction to the fact that parents broke up, to fear during the day, to an unpleasant situation at school. Be sure to talk to your child before bedtime, if you see that something is bothering him.
My daughter does not like to talk about any stressful moments that happened to her during the day, and I learned to observe her behavior. If she takes a long time to stay in bed, sighs noisily, or moves toys near the bed in the hope of stalling for time, then it's time to talk. If this is not done, she will wake up at night, toss and turn in her sleep and even sob.
Television. Besides the fact that it is undesirable to watch TV for a child before bedtime, there is another danger that many parents are not aware of. If your dinner passes under the viewing of the evening news, then the child picks up everything that happens on the screen, even if he sits back to him and seemingly does not listen to what they say. Children memorize information, and this negatively affects the quality of their sleep, since they do not yet have experience in handling negative information.
Cry and punishment. There are already 20 minutes before bedtime, and the toys have not been cleaned, the teeth have not been cleaned, and my mother has enough of her affairs, and she breaks into a cry. A familiar picture, is not it? Enough to raise the voice of the child or threaten punishment to spoil the night's sleep to the child and parents. Be sure to kiss the child for the night, hug and let him feel that you love him. Feelings of peace and security - the key to a good sleep.
Do not forget that the condition of his mother is especially important for a child. If the mother is tired, not enough sleep, annoyed because of work or after quarrels with relatives, the child feels very subtle, and you struggle to find the cause of his poor sleep, not realizing that your psychological and emotional state can be the true cause. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save a child from all the burdens of life, but if the reason lies precisely in psychological problems, then you need to create your own special nightly rituals that will help calm down not only the child, but you as well.