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Go to the toilet coupon and get a discount: the ridiculous action of IKEA


Source: Curbed

Brilliant is an invention or tactless, it deserves attention. The new coupon from IKEA offers women ... to urinate on it (yes, you heard right), tells Curbed.

Фото: Depositphotos

Chances are, you guessed it - this is truly the original pregnancy test. If the result is positive, the customer will receive a discount on the baby cot, which is shown on the paper coupon. The cost of the product is also indicated here, as well as the place where the appropriate liquid should be applied and wait one minute.

Perhaps two gifts are waiting for you at once? The rectangular box located at the bottom of the page will delight you with the word “surprise” written in bright red letters. All that remains is to buy a crib and get used to the future parenting role.

Photo: Twitter

You can take a discount coupon with you and with a positive result, just bring the cashier during your next visit to the store.

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