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Night messages, voicemail, sudden calls: top 10 rules of online etiquette



Online communication, which is increasingly replacing live communication for us, requires a separate code of ethics. Together with the largest book subscription service MyBook portal compiled 10 main rules of online communication that everyone should know nowadays.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. Personal boundaries - first of all

Communication online, as well as offline, should be based on mutual respect. Therefore, before starting a conversation with a new acquaintance, discuss: where (in messengers or mail?), In what format (are gifs or voice messages allowed?) And at what time it is more convenient for you to conduct a dialogue. There are also general rules: do not write, and, moreover, do not call, late at night or early in the morning, and if it is a business contact, then outside of working hours.

It is possible to violate the established framework in emergency situations, when it is necessary to provide information here and now. In this case, apologize and explain why you suddenly wrote in WhatsApp instead of the usual email or disturbed a colleague at ten in the evening.

2. Voice messages - only by consent

Discussions are still going on around voice messages. Opponents believe that this is a tactless format: a person does not always have the opportunity to listen and record audio in response. Supporters are sure: this is a good alternative to calls and letters - you can answer when it is convenient and provide a lot of information in a short time.

We advise you to use the controversial function only by prior agreement with the interlocutor. Or if you need to quickly communicate something, but you cannot write (for example, while driving) - then be sure to apologize and explain the situation. Voicemail is a taboo in group chats and first letters to strangers.

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3. Write before calling

In the era of instant messengers and social networks, a phone call without warning is perceived as a sudden visit from guests: at best, with confusion. Therefore, before dialing the number of a friend or colleague, write to him: indicate the topic and the approximate time that the call will take, and specify when it is convenient to chat. The reason is urgent? Apologize at the beginning of the conversation and explain why it is urgent.

If the other end does not answer, do not be annoying, many missed calls can scare and disturb the interlocutor. It is better to wait an hour or two before calling back, in case of emergency - write an SMS.

4. No gadgets offline!

Yes, we all know: it is impolite to sit at a meeting with a living person, buried in your smartphone. But out of habit, we continue to check messages even in business negotiations. Meanwhile, at a business meeting, it is better to put gadgets in your bag altogether, turning off notifications. As a last resort - put the screen down on the table. If you need a phone for business? for example, you are taking notes during a conversation or waiting for an important call - let us know. Otherwise, the interlocutor will have
the impression that you are bored.

5. Divide and Conquer

When most of the communication takes place online, it can be difficult to separate the personal from the worker. This can lead to burnout and stress as our psyche needs to switch between formal and informal communication.

Therefore, decide which platforms you will use in your work, and which ones for correspondence with loved ones. For example, on Facebook and WhatsApp you discuss urgent issues with colleagues, and on VKontakte and Telegram you send memes and cats to your friends.

6. Watch out for mistakes and intonation

Spelling errors indicate a disrespectful attitude towards interlocutors or subscribers. If you don't know how to spell a word correctly, check the Internet or a dictionary. Typos are especially disrespectful: you might not know the rules, but you would definitely find a typo when rereading. So go through the text several times before submitting or posting.

Another fundamentally important point is intonation. During correspondence, the interlocutor cannot read our emotions by facial expressions, posture or voice. Therefore, you need to be especially careful with the tone of the letter. Re-read, soften the wording, do not write in caps and with an abundance of exclamation marks. And also follow standard etiquette: always introduce yourself to new acquaintances, thank and politely say goodbye.

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7. No spam!

A short letter in which you formulated your thoughts very clearly is a tribute to the interlocutor. Try to express the whole point in the first letter, rather than breaking it up into small messages-phrases - this is unnerving. If you have multiple questions, you can separate them with indents. It is especially important to apply this rule in group chats. In the same place, it is better not to litter the air with letters that are not related to the topic of the conversation, gifs, pictures and other lyrics. And if the question concerns only two people, it is better to discuss it in individual correspondence.

8. Remember about copyright

If you find a cool picture or post on the Internet and want to post it on your page, remember that this is someone's work of authorship. Not sure who photographed a funny possum or wrote an instructive love story? Indicate at least the source where you got the information.

9. Children are people too

Blogs of happy moms and pictures of babies in personal accounts are extremely popular. But these pink babies will someday grow up and see that their parents, without asking, showed everyone the intimate moments of their lives. And they may not take this with affection or gratitude at all. We do not urge you to hide your beloved children, but remember: in a few years your child will look at the photo with his participation through the eyes of a conscious person. And respect his privacy and personal boundaries (which we have from birth).

10. Don't get personal

This applies to the fierce discussions that unfold in the comments of popular posts. In the heat of offline disputes, we rarely point out to an opponent his external flaws, mental qualities or social status - after all, this is a gross insult. So why do we do this on the internet? Even in the midst of emotional skirmish on social networks, it is important to remember: there are real people on the other side of the screen, and try to conduct the discussion constructively.

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