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Unhealthy habit: why you should not drink kefir at night



A glass of kefir before bedtime - you can already say, a traditional habit, developed over the years and brought up in many generations, recalls

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Since childhood, we were taught to drink a dairy product at night, and now kefir is considered the best way to satisfy hunger. Which, as luck would have it, is activated in the evening hours.

Losing weight girls often prefer to drink low-calorie kefir instead of a late supper. Like, he will saturate the body, and he will not add extra calories. But everything is not so simple, and not always tasty yogurt before bedtime will benefit.

Firstly, not everyone can drink kefir at any time of the day, not just at night. Owners of gastritis and such an unpleasant phenomenon as gas formation should forget about sour milk. And, as you know, processes in the body slow down at night, including digestive ones. Therefore, a glass of kefir can come back with unpleasant consequences in the morning. But for people with normal gastrointestinal tract function, a nightly portion of kefir is quite appropriate, the body metabolizes calcium precisely at night.

On the subject: How to have supper so as not to get fat: tips from an Israeli nutritionist

Secondly, kefir can play a cruel joke with those who suffer from migraines and severe headaches. The drink is rich in protein, the absorption of which requires a lot of time, and the body does not have time to recover over night. By the way, if the day before you practiced a lot and feel that tomorrow your muscles will literally make themselves felt, then you should not abuse kefir. The reason is the same - protein.

“Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt - are not recommended to be eaten before bedtime. They can provoke the fermentation process in the intestines, which, naturally, will affect the functioning of the digestive system. Instead of resting, the body will do other things. And this will affect the quality of sleep. There will not be insomnia, but a restless night is possible, or the body simply will not have time to fully recuperate, ”says doctor Svetlana Makarova.

Do you drink kefir for the night?

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