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Kristina Orbakaite's sister-in-law thought about moving to the USA


Source: 7 Days

The eldest son of Christina Orbakaite and grandson of Alla Pugacheva Nikita Presnyakov spends her vacation in New York with his wife Alyona.

The couple walks around New York a lot and visits areas that are iconic for themselves. Presnyakov, now a soloist of the MULTIVERSE group, lived there years of his youth, writes 7 Days. Nikita studied at the New York Film Academy, was part of a skate party and worked at a local bar.

Presnyakov brought Alain to New York not for the first time. The last time the couple was here three years ago. According to the singer and his wife, a lot has changed in the city during this time. However, it is associated with special memories of New York.

“I am ready to come back here again and again, and it is possible to stay forever. In everything, absolutely "our" city. Last time we were in New York three years ago ... everything changed so much! So many interesting things built! Our program is more than full, the main thing is to be in time! ”, Said the wife of Presnyakova.

Not so long ago, Nikita, by the way, won the opportunity to shoot a clip in Los Angeles. The video will be filmed for money, collected from artist fans around the world thanks to the participation of Presnyakov in crowdfunding.

“Our task was to test our music among the global audience and see the responses from different countries to our music through this chart and hitfanding. The task was a success! ”, Said Nikita.

His song "To Stay" has risen to first place in the chart and now it will be a clip in the United States. It is worth noting that Nikita writes alternative music, which is much more popular abroad than in Russia.

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