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Unusual signs of age: what visually ages


Source: Rambler

Eternal youth is the subject of the unattainable dreams of most people, especially women. They are the ones who react painfully to age-related changes and carefully search for the first signs of old age - wrinkles, gray hair, sagging skin. What else "adds" the age of a woman?

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In an attempt to prolong youth and beauty, we go for different tricks, but sometimes we do not notice the obvious: we can track and remove some age markers on our own, writes Rambler. For example, did you think, looking at a particular person, that you subconsciously scan his appearance and estimate his age? And this estimate can fluctuate significantly: we add “little ones” in our minds, “reading” the flaws in our appearance, and someone, on the contrary, seems younger, because age-related changes are carefully camouflaged.

How not to look older than your age?

Of course, first of all we think about gray hair. But if it is possible to fight with the gray hair itself (if not with folk remedies, then at least with paint), then with other age-related changes everything is more difficult. Over the years, the hair shaft becomes thin, there is a lack of keratin, the hair loses the moisture they need. Accordingly, the lack of hair shine, dry brittle ends are perceived as senile markers.

  • Output: hair care, aimed at maintaining the radiance, shine, color. Nutrition ends, regular renewal of the hair cut.

If you have thin, sparse hair, and you still have not put them in order at least with the help of a winning haircut, people will visually “read” it like senile baldness and mentally throw you a certain number of years.

Hair color is also capable of adding age, so, in addition to the stylist's advice, keep in mind: if the color is “dirty” that has accumulated over several years, it should be periodically washed off with a special tool, and refined shade.

  • Exit: it is better to make a short haircut that looks volumetric and fresh than to brush three hairs behind the ears that imitate a long braid. The beauty of hair depends on their quality and brightness of color, and not on length.

Under the influence of the laws of gravity, with age people’s pores become wider, as if they “sag”. This is due to the lack of collagen and elastin, which the “frame” keeps the face in shape. If you are young, but there are wide pores on your face, you may be counted among the older generation. Clean and neat T-zone visually makes us younger. Such a person is perceived as healthy, fresh.

Exit: face care aimed at narrowing the pores. Clay masks do a great job of this, as well as a homemade mask with gelatin and coal. Tightened pores - the result of proper washing: a special gel, gommage or peeling, a mask for the T-zone, and then - acidification of the skin in this area. To do this, just walk on the nose with a slice of lemon.

What are dangerous posture problems? Besides the fact that the habit of hunching is not aesthetic by itself, if you have a bad posture, your teeth are worn faster, and the enamel is erased. This affects the bite, the skin in the mouth sags and falls, turning you into a “living” person.

  • Exit: care, masks and injections will not help if you do not correct the posture and do not improve lymphatic drainage. Align your posture will help revitonika and Nordic walking.

Sunken sockets, over which the eyelid hangs, do not look very attractive. Any changes in the eye area (bruises, bags, swollen eyes) give age. We subconsciously perceive a simple blue as an “age” depression.

  • Exit: follow the area around the eyes, study the exercises from the “face-fitness” series, use homemade beauty recipes, sleep on an orthopedic pillow and follow a drinking regimen.
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The places that women constantly forget about and do not give them proper care are neck, décolleté, earlobes. It turns out that they also need to be cleansed, moisturized, and nourished, otherwise your age betrays, even if you take care of your face.

  • Exit: multimasking, nutrition and hydration of these zones along with the face, and each zone should choose its own mask: cleansing, moisturizing, toning. By the way, masks can and should be done not twice a week, but at least every day, if required by the skin.

Tattoo of eyebrows, lips, “inter-pedicle”, “arrows” - all this looks attractive at the beginning, but over time can add you age. The color of the tattoo changes, and the constant correction over the years creates the effect of “dirt” - as if the face is covered with a cobweb. By the way, thin plucked eyebrows are not in fashion now, but wide natural eyebrows rejuvenate a woman.

  • Output: try to grow your eyebrows, now there are many drugs aimed at their intensive growth, and oils (usmi, castor oil). Tattoo can be reduced from experienced masters, and if you just decided to do it, think carefully and carefully review the reviews.

One of the most painful moments for every woman is overweight. Alas, kilograms gained by overworking work instantly turn a young woman into an aunt beaten by life. Until you have crossed the fourth dozen, your face and body are still able to withstand experiments: exotic diets, overeating, lack of trace elements, sleep, exercise, fresh air. But after the 30 mark, all your flaws will start to creep out slowly. Do not be surprised that you will rapidly grow in breadth and "grow old" visually.

  • Exit: keep under control those extra pounds, down with puffy face, sagging skin, hanging knees! Take note of effective advice, how to eat and not overeat.

What else to pay attention to?

Unkempt dry hands will instantly make you older, and loose skin of your forearms will throw a couple of extra years, so this area should be given as much attention as possible.

Artificial tanning, sunbathing is an old woman. And not only spoils the skin, drying it, but also visually makes you older.

Well, finally, we left a smile. A woman who smiles a lot always looks younger. Provided her teeth are healthy and white.

Remember: the speed with which we grow older is more dependent on genetics, but at least 20 percent depends on the way of life - nutrition, activity, care, habits. Someone gene aging is more active, someone less. However, to neglect the care of yourself and your appearance is not worth anyone.

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