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Not only aesthetics: cellulite can be dangerous to health


Source: I'm buying

On the cellulite does not say except that lazy, and the Internet is full of ways to get rid of it. Despite this, many still do not have a clear understanding of what it is.

Photo: Shutterstock

In medicine, cellulite is called lipodystrophy, writes I'm buying. It occurs due to changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, which lead to impaired microcirculation and lymph flow. Simply put, substances accumulate in adipose tissue and nodules appear, which are popularly called “orange peel”.

Many doctors do not consider cellulite a serious disease, but merely a cosmetic problem. However, the latest studies have shown that the advanced stage of cellulite leads to circulatory disorders. It is especially dangerous in the lumbar region.

How to determine the presence of cellulite in yourself? First of all, an “orange peel” testifies to it: the skin becomes loose, small indentations and irregularities appear. If you pinch yourself, and grooves form in the skin fold, it is cellulite. Most often it occurs in the hips and buttocks, on the abdomen, knees and hands.

How to get rid of cellulite? There are several ways: some of them require time and effort, others are quite simple, but costly.

Healthy lifestyle. This is a rejection of fast food, as well as constant exercise with a focus on problem areas.

Massage. It can be hardware, manual or canned - it all depends on the degree of neglect and the amount you can spend. For example, pressure therapy. She is loved by many women for fighting cellulite while the patient is resting.

The principle of the procedure is the effect on the extracellular space, where excess fluid accumulates. There is an intense breakdown of fat cells. You can also maintain the result obtained with a dry brush massage.

Wraps They are hot and cold. The procedure can be carried out at home, for example, with the help of chocolate. To do this, you need either dark chocolate or natural cocoa powder. The tiles must be melted and cooled to 40 ° C. Apply the resulting mass to problem areas and wrap with foil (food grade is also suitable). For the best effect, you can warm the problem area with a blanket or blanket. It should be kept for 40-60 minutes. After that, experts advise to do a massage using an anti-cellulite cream. The scrubs available in the store will also help, or make them yourself (coffee, sugar).

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Surgical intervention. This is an extreme measure, which is very rarely resorted to and only with a serious threat to health.

Important: before the fight against cellulite, you must consult a doctor-endocrinologist. Perhaps the reason was a hormonal failure.

The material is published for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and does not replace medical advice. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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