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Not only COVID-19 and flu: what other health problems are likely in winter



Winter is traditionally the season of SARS and influenza, and the current season is also the season for coronavirus infection. But in the cold season, other diseases can also worsen. Doctors told Health.TUT.BY, what health problems can you face in winter and what to do to prevent this from happening.

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Hypothermia and exacerbation of chronic problems

The cold season is traditionally associated with the risk of hypothermia and exacerbation of chronic health problems, says therapist Alina Leshchenko. So, in winter, pain syndrome increases in people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the joints.

- It is necessary that sore joints (with arthritis, osteoarthritis) be warm, even if they have not bothered for a long time. In such cases, you should not physically overwork in the cold during this period (for example, shovel snow). But it will be useful to do exercise therapy in a warm place: at home or in the gym.

Cardiovascular diseases also worsen in cold weather: due to low temperatures, the vessels narrow and force the heart to work with greater intensity. Hypothermia of the lower back can threaten urological diseases - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

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“In order not to get cold, one must avoid general and local hypothermia. You should not sit on the cold, freeze. Wear warm underwear and pants. Outerwear should be of sufficient length to reliably protect the genitourinary organs from the cold, ”recommends therapist Alina Leshchenko.

Avitaminosis and inflammation of the thyroid gland

In cold weather, says Olga Avchinnikova, endocrinologist and nutritionist, some endocrinological diseases often develop. For example, subacute thyroiditis, which occurs more often after viral respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract and is an inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland. Symptoms: Severe pain in the front of the neck, which can spread to the ear or lower jaw, fever.

Another winter problem is vitamin D deficiency associated with a lack of vitamin D. With its deficiency (blood level less than 20 ng / ml), there may be an increased risk of bone loss, secondary hyperparathyroidism (an increase in the size of the parathyroid glands and the amount of parathyroid hormone they produce), falls and fractures, the doctor explains.

- In summer, it is enough to stay outside for 10-60 minutes so that the body can synthesize a sufficient amount of vitamin D. In winter, this time increases to 30-180 minutes. It is important to understand that this vitamin is responsible not only for calcium metabolism (which is very important in itself, since, for example, in children, its deficiency can lead to rickets), but also for the body's resistance to respiratory viral infections, which is especially important in connection with a rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in cold weather.

“Vitamin D is abundant in such foods as fish oil, cod liver, salmon, trout, herring. It is also found in cow's milk, yogurt, soy and almond milk, pork, eggs, some types of mushrooms, for example, in chanterelles, ”recalls endocrinologist Olga Avchinnikova.

The body's resistance to ARVI also helps to form a sufficient supply of vitamin C. Its deficiency can be indicated by loose and bleeding gums, follicular hyperkeratosis (excessive growth of the stratum corneum, impaired epidermal desquamation and clogging of the follicle orifices with epidermal scales; outwardly looks like "goose bumps" elbows, knees, buttocks, outer thighs), petechiae (red spots, reaching 1-2 mm in diameter), subcutaneous hemorrhages, intramuscular hemorrhages and hemorrhages in the periosteum. The main food sources of the vitamin are berries, vegetables and fruits.

As Olga Avchinnikova says, ideally you need to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food.

- However, if a person is on a strict diet, he has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that can interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins, or at the moment the body needs an increased amount of vitamins and minerals (for example, competitive athletes, pregnant and lactating women), then additional taking vitamins and minerals can help. It is important for pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the digestive system to consult a doctor beforehand.

Allergy to cold

Although it is called an allergy, in fact, the body's response to exposure to cold is not similar to the classic allergic reaction, explains allergist Olga Gromada.

Cold allergies are easy to recognize. If you go outside and have a headache, red or, conversely, white spots and a rash, itching of the skin, soreness in the areas of rashes, redness of the tip of the nose, chin - this is a reaction to cold. This allergy manifests itself mainly on the face, hands and can reach its maximum size when the cooled parts of the body are warmed up. Disappears, as a rule, without treatment within 30-60 minutes.

After clarifying the diagnosis with an allergist, certain recommendations should be followed. For example, do not overcool, use warm water for washing, wear warm clothes, a hat, and do not eat cold food and drinks.

“Before leaving the house, people who suffer from cold allergies are advised to apply special products to the exposed areas of the body to protect the skin from the effects of cold. In the cosmetic departments of pharmacies, cold cream from various manufacturers is presented. The composition of such funds includes substances that help withstand wind, frost, high humidity. Most often these are polymers - pyrrolidone and phosphorylcholine, such microelements as calcium, zinc, and necessarily a carrier base - paraffin, lanolin, petroleum jelly, animal fats, vegetable oils, ”advises allergist Olga Gromada.

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Due to the lack of the sun, shortened daylight hours, apathy, anhedonia (a decrease in the background mood) can be observed already in the fall, says clinical psychologist Daria Gichanskaya.

- In winter, people note a decrease in activity, energy, depression. The gray picture outside the window does not bring joy, even if we do not focus on it. The weather may not be the object of our perception, but at the same time it may well leave an imprint on the psychological state.

“If a person is prone to seasonal mood swings, he must take care of himself. First, observe the daily routine. Second, don't get overwhelmed. Thirdly, to find reasons for joy: you should not seize a bad mood with chocolate, but do things you like, for example, take a walk before bedtime, dance, revive family traditions, ”recommends clinical psychologist Daria Gichanskaya.

In winter, many of them have more active fears associated with seasonal illnesses: people are afraid to get sick themselves or worry that they will have to take care of a cold child on sick leave. The psychologist advises to work through all these fears so that they do not take away strength and energy.

Gaining excess weight

A common winter problem is gaining extra pounds. This is due to a number of factors, notes Olga Avchinnikova. For example, under comfortable temperature conditions, a person enjoys walking rather than using public transport or a car, he likes to play sports in the fresh air, he can run or ride a bicycle.

- In winter, we often eat not because we are hungry, but in order to keep warm. Very often we gain 1-2 kg during the New Year holidays, which involve a festive table at night. Of course, daylight hours become less, and this can lead to overeating as a way to cope with a bad mood.

“Try to stay active: WHO recommends at least 150 minutes (ideally 300 minutes) of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This is, for example, 30 minutes of walking five days a week at a brisk pace or exercising on a treadmill, stationary bike. Alternatively, swim three times a week for 50 minutes. In addition, include strength training for the main muscle groups in the gym or at home, using dumbbells, weights, and resistance bands as equipment (if there is no equipment, you can replace it with water bottles and other improvised means), ”endocrinologist Olga Avchinnikova advises.

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