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Found a paradoxical but effective way to lose weight faster


Source: The Sun

If you love dieting, but from time to time deviate from a strict schedule, most likely you have paid attention to the paradox: after eating at night, in the morning you can find ... a decrease in body weight. Scientists have explained why this is happening and suggested using "breakdowns" to lose weight.


According to The Sun, experts from the University of Tasmania, led by Professor Nuala Berne, talked about how dietary deviations accelerate the process of weight loss. The thing is that getting used to eating low-calorie foods, the human body adapts to these conditions and slows down not only metabolism, but also the rate of losing extra pounds. Perhaps the body is “afraid” that it will be deprived of food altogether, therefore it saves energy in this way. Occasional digressions contribute to the “switching on” of the body, which remembers its usual processes and begins to burn fat more intensively again.

The experts studied two groups of losing weight, one of which strictly adhered to the nutritional plan for 16 weeks followed by a break, while the other was on the 2 diet for a week, and then 2 for another week was fed with regular food provided that it produced enough calories. After which the cycle was repeated.

It turned out that in half a year it was the second group that dropped, on average, 8 kg more and was able to keep the new weight figures longer compared to the first group. Experts believe this way of eating more effective than fasting or diet 5: 2.

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