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“We must kill Jennifer Aniston!”: Harvey Weinstein’s personal correspondence excited Network


Source: StarHit

In the case of Harvey Weinstein, whom dozens of actresses and models have accused of rape and harassment, more and more scandalous details come up, writes "StarHit".

Photo: Shutterstock

The other day it turned out that the producer hatched a cruel plan of reprisal against the favorite of the public Jennifer Aniston.

At the next meeting of the Supreme Court in Manhattan, Harvey's correspondence with his assistants was made public.

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According to new materials, Weinstein, having learned that the National Enquirer is going to release material with Aniston's revelations about their cooperation, fell into a rage.

“We must kill Jen Aniston!” - the producer was indignant.

Confessions of Jennifer really were very resonant. The actress already then told what many of her colleagues subsequently stated - about the misbehavior of the eminent producer.

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“She admitted to her friend that at the premiere of the film“ The Price of Treason ”in 2005, Weinstein molested her, clinging to her back and feeling her body. Over the years, he often looked at her neckline and behaved inappropriately, making Jennifer feel awkward. The source claims that Harvey was in love with Aniston for a long time and constantly talked about how hot she is, ”read an excerpt from an article by the mentioned National Enquirer.

On March 11, Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

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