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“We Don't Hope She Lives”: XNUMX-year-old Ohio girl brutally beaten by nanny


Source: USA Today

The life of a three-year-old baby hangs in the balance after her nanny-babysitter nearly killed her, authorities say. 35-year-old Lindsay Partin is accused of attacking a high degree of severity, as well as the threat to the life of a child after beating Hannah Weshe.

According to the police, a small resident of Hanover, Ohio, received serious brain damage as a result of bullying, writes USA Today.

The police were called to Partin’s house on Tuesday, and they found Veshe unconscious, she barely breathed, and there were extensive bruises on the face and head of a small child. The girl was taken to the hospital, where doctors are still fighting for her life, according to representatives of the Sheriff of Butler County.

Photo: Butler County Sheriffs Office

Hospital staff found other bruises on Hannah’s body. Partin admitted that she had hit the child, but she claims that the day before the girl fell by herself and hit her head on the concrete floor in the garage.

“No one hopes that she will survive,” said Hannah’s father, Jason Weshe, “this will all be over in the coming days. It's horrible".

Partin, a resident of the village of Hanover and a neighbor, Veshe, pleaded not guilty. But the charges are likely to be reviewed if Hannah dies. Now bebisitter is awaiting trial. According to the girl's aunt, parents trusted Lindsey to take care of her daughter for several months.

“I just can't believe that someone can take this innocent child from us. I just can't believe anyone can do this. She's not human. She's not human, ”her aunt repeats.

The woman describes the three-year-old baby as a charming and bright child: “She just walked into the room and illuminated everything around with her radiance,” a relative told reporters.

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