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Can sugar consumption lead to cancer: scientists say


Source: ИноСМИ

How much sugar is safe for our health? It turns out that the dose varies depending on the sex of the person. But the main question is: is sugar as dangerous as some people scare us? Does eating sugar lead to cancer? What is his daily rate? Does quitting sugar help treat cancer patients? Explains "Inosmi".

Photo: Shutterstock

Development of diabetes and cancer

The relationship between sugar consumption and cancer is controversial. According to the Mayo Clinic website, there is evidence that high sugar consumption increases the risk of certain cancers, including esophageal cancer.

As noted by the clinic, a large amount of sugar in the diet leads to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity and diabetes and, as a result, the development of cancer.

Although, according to the statements of specialists from the Oncological Center. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, there is research showing that eating sugar-containing foods does not necessarily contribute to cancer. However, it can significantly affect your waist size (i.e. weight), which increases your risk of cancer and other diseases.

Should you avoid sugar? Irma Levy, an expert at the center and a nutritionist-researcher in the field of behavioral sciences, answered this question: “No, but daily abuse of this product can lead to weight gain. Together with insufficient exercise, it can increase the risk of cancer. "

12 types of cancer

After quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight is the most important thing you can do to prevent cancer, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Excess body fat is associated with an increased risk of developing the following 12 types of cancer.

- Breast cancer (after menopause)

- Colon and rectal cancer

- Uterine cancer

- Esophageal carcinoma

- Gallbladder cancer

- Kidney cancer

- Liver cancer

- Cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx

- Ovarian cancer

- Pancreas cancer

- Prostate cancer

- Stomach cancer

The Cancer Society of Canada confirms that eating a lot of sugar-containing foods increases your chances of gaining weight. Studies have shown that obesity increases the risk of cancer. In addition, they can cause hormonal changes, which also contribute to the development of cancer.

The organization notes that optimal weight varies from person to person, so you should always discuss this with your doctor.

Recommended Sugar Dose

So how much sugar is safe for our health? According to the Oncological Center. MD Anderson University of Texas, women should eat no more than 6 teaspoons per day (25 grams), and men should eat no more than 9 teaspoons per day (36 grams).

We are talking not only about table sugar, but also other sources of it, including sugar-sweetened drinks, cakes, cookies, pies and ice cream. Foods like pasta sauces, salad dressings, and canned vegetables also contain sugar.

Therefore, it is very important to study product labels and look for hidden sugars in their composition. If the word "sugar" is listed as the first ingredient, this is the first sign that the product contains a large amount of it.

As noted by the MD Anderson Cancer Center, some sugary foods do not include sugar, as it may be hidden under other names. Here are some of the hidden sweet words to look for on the label.

- Fructose (fruit sugar)

- Lactose (milk sugar)

- Sucrose (from fructose and glucose)

- Maltose (malt sugar)

- Glucose

- Dextrose

Thus, the essence of the relationship between sugar and the onset of cancer can be summarized as follows: in general, there is no direct relationship between them, but daily consumption of large amounts of sugar can lead to weight gain. Obesity and lack of exercise can also increase your chances of developing cancer.

On the subject: 7 natural sugar substitutes that sweet tooth will love

Does quitting sugar help cancer treatment?

We move on to the second part, which deals with the use of sugar in people who already have cancer. Here is what the Mayo Clinic says: "The hypothesis that people with cancer should not eat sugar because it can accelerate the development of cancer is a myth."

That said, there is a need for more research to investigate the relationship between sugar, diet, and cancer. All types of cells, including cancer cells, depend on blood glucose for nutrition. At the same time, feeding cancer cells a large amount of glucose does not make them grow faster, and in the same way, depriving cancer cells of glucose does not slow down their growth.

While many believe that avoiding sugar can help cure cancer through what is called cancer cell starvation, the harm from this diet may be more beneficial.

In an article published in the French newspaper Le Figaro, Cecile Thibert writes that avoiding sugar and following a diet based on fruit and vegetable juices has become one of the methods promoted as an effective way to block cancer cells and deprive them of nutrients. substances that stimulate growth. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.

This diet involves avoiding all sources of sugar, including fruits, bread, rice and pasta. This is believed to deprive cancer cells of carbohydrates, the fuel that allows them to grow and multiply.

Diet that worsens the patient's condition

Is this assumption scientifically proven? “There is no diet that can reduce swelling without concomitant treatment. This assumption has never been scientifically proven, ”confirms Dr. Bruno Renard, head of nutrition at the Gustave Russi Institute of Oncology in Paris.

According to the doctor, cancer cells have at least 10 times the ability of normal cells to absorb glucose, but not only these cells feed on glucose. In fact, glucose is needed by all cells in our body, and some of them depend on it almost completely.

Therefore, according to Dr. Renard, a diet where sugar is completely absent can be very harmful to health, since lack of nutrients and weight loss lead to a worsening of the condition of the patient with cancer. Studies have shown that the smaller the muscle mass, the less effective the treatment, and the muscles are almost completely supplied with glucose.

According to the French expert, muscles are destroyed when they do not receive glucose, which leads to muscular dystrophy, or sarcopenia. Therefore, giving up sugar has the opposite effect and makes the patient worse.

On the subject: What does a woman look like, eating a kilogram of sugar daily

Normal food

When the disease affects the body of cancer patients, they lose weight automatically, so the elimination of sugar from the diet leads to additional weight loss and poor health.

“Cancer cells are able to send distant signals to other organs, such as adipose tissue and muscles, in order to obtain the resources they need,” explains Alice Caret, an expert at the French National Center for Scientific Research and project director at the Center for Cancer Research in Marseille. For this reason, some patients suffer from significant weight loss after diagnosis: the fat mass in their body is reduced, as is the muscle mass.

As Dr. Renard explains, cancer cells are highly adaptable. When they don't find enough glucose in the body, they can quickly find other sources of energy, such as amino acids or free fatty acids, circulating in the blood.

In turn, Kara believes that giving up sugar is an impossible task for fighting cancer cells, since these cells draw their nourishment from the environment, that is, healthy cells become their source of nutrition.

Therefore, it is best for cancer patients to follow a natural and balanced diet as much as possible during treatment, and abandon the idea of ​​completely eliminating sugar from the diet.

Dr. Renard concludes: "The more a patient eats a regular meal, the more likely they are to maintain muscle mass and the lower the risk of adverse effects associated with treatment."

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