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Young father Eric Trump was confused in the store of children's goods. A PHOTO


ForumDaily Woman

The son of Donald Trump Eric, who had a first child a few days ago, looks very confused among the variety of models and brands of baby diapers.


A photo of a happy (although you can't tell about it) father, at a loss in the children's department of the supermarket standing between the rows, posted in his personal Instagram account his wife, Lara Trump, accompanying the publication with a funny comment: "This is possibly the greatest painting of all time."

Mothers often make fun of young dads, who - it seems to us - do not know anything about child care. Photos taken in stores, in rows with children's goods are popular on the Internet: as a rule, they show several men with phones pressed to their ears. It is easy to guess that the newly-made fathers call their pious ones in order to clarify which children's products are required. Many mothers say that it is useless to photograph, record, schematically depict a jar with food or a model of diapers: it will get confused anyway. And relate to this with humor.

However, we must pay tribute to modern popes - most of them quickly master the science of childcare, and in general, are interested in babies. Half a century ago, it was difficult to imagine such a thing: mainly mothers were engaged in children. Eric Trump is certainly worthy of respect, if only because he himself, and even in the middle of the night, went to the store to buy diapers for his first child, Eric Luke Trump, the ninth grandson of the President of the United States.

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