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Mother of many children told how to save thousands of dollars on food


Source: report

A resident of New Zealand told how she managed to save more than 16 thousands of New Zealand dollars (almost 10500 US dollars) on food in a year.


As the report With reference to the Daily Mail, a woman hunts along with her husband and completely stopped buying meat, fish and meat products in stores.

Tui Marama Keenan from the city of Gisborne is forced to cook for her husband and five daughters. At some point, the woman realized that she was spending too much on meat. She spent 200-300 NZ dollars (130-200 US dollars) on meat and fish per week.

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Then the woman began to hunt on Fridays with her husband. She learned not only to track down and kill game, but also to skin, store and process meat.

“We spend two dollars on a bullet that will bring us meat on 600 dollars,” explains the new zealand.

Sometimes she takes with her daughters, and the girls set traps for possums. Rodent meat is sold as pet food. The woman also teaches her daughters to cut meat and cook various dishes from it: from steaks to sausage.

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If the family does not have time to finish eating the meat, Keenan barters him from friends and relatives for vegetables, nuts and honey.

With her example, New Zealand wants to inspire other women to start hunting.

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