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Opinion: why Russians don't 'survive' in America and return to their homeland


Source: Yandex. Zen

For one happy history of Russians in the United States, there are several unfortunate ones. The heroes of these stories most often leave America home, and at the same time shoot a video about how bad things are in the USA. In fact, the problems are mostly in the person himself, says the author of the blog “PlanetFacts | Planet Facts ”on Yandex Zen.

Photo: Shutterstock

And yes, everything written below will concern not only Russians, but also residents of other countries who come to America in search of happiness. But, since we, for obvious reasons, communicate more with our compatriots, we will talk about them first of all.

Moving to another country is always a risk, but in the USA - the risk is doubly.

Judge for yourself, a person goes to the other end of the planet, even a simple trip home by plane takes a day, and also costs such an amount that you can forget about frequent flights. When they don't sleep in America, we do sleep and vice versa. So even keeping in touch at a distance becomes problematic. A person actually breaks off all contact with the past.

On the subject: What immigrants miss when they come from the USA to their homeland: personal experience

No matter how trite it may sound, but in a new place, in America, nobody needs an immigrant... In the same Europe, many newcomers at first sit on benefits. Well, someone, like refugees, has been sitting on these payments for years.

In America, no benefits for newcomers are not allowed, so you have to work right away. At the same time, there is fierce competition around for any more or less decent job. And the newcomer, as a rule, realizes that in fact his language skills leave much to be desired.

Housing is expensive, and medicine is even more expensive. Although food is cheap (but harmful, wholesome and high-quality products are expensive). Person gets into such a stressful situation, which simply did not happen at home.

On the subject: 10 of American amenities immigrants don't immediately get used to

You can only get out of such a difficult situation by taking risks, compromising with pride and habits, leaving your comfort zone. Many people at home are not capable of this, let alone do it on the other side of the planet.

In the States, a lot can really be achieved, but this requires literally breaking yourself. And as practice shows, not all of our compatriots, as well as residents of other countries of the world, are ready for this.

Original column published on the blog. "PlanetFacts | Planet facts" on Yandex Zen

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