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Opinion: why do Americans need an empty room in a house


Source: Yandex.Zen

The way of life and the organization of space in the American home is very different from the Russian one. This is what most surprised the author of the blog "The View of the Provincial" on Yandex Zen. Next - from the first person.

Photo: Shutterstock

I never understand the Americans. So many obscure habits ...

We watch with my wife on the same channel a show about buying houses. I have a direct knowledge of the choice of real estate in the American and international markets. Give me $ 400 and I will buy on your behalf an excellent property for you in any country.

There is one program in which American heroes move permanently, and more often temporarily to work in another country. In the episode, they are shown three options for houses or apartments approximately for their budget. It often turns out that you need to look for a compromise: either housing is more expensive, but it has everything you need, or housing fits into the budget, but it has few amenities. The decision is made based on the budgetary possibilities.

On the subject: Personal experience: what I don’t like in the USA at the household level

But I just can not understand one thing. Even when the apartment does not fit into the budget, the heroes insist that they want to get an extra room. It is intended for friends, family members, guests.

I just do not fit in my head: how so? You have an empty room in your house all the time! Given that real estate is so expensive. Despite the fact that money is not always enough. Despite the fact that you are moving to a new country, you do not know how you will settle there, what will happen to you ...

And if you don't have an extra room in the house, you are kind of condemned as an underserved person.

And how often do they host? My wife and I don't often invite someone to our place. And no one in Russia at all considers it shameful to offer a guest a master's bed or a folding bed, familiar to us all from childhood, for the night. Who among us has not slept on the floor?

And in America, they take huge loans for homes. If they rent, then there is not enough money, but they are still ready to contain this empty room. Who will fly to you across the ocean into this empty room, I ask? And I will never understand that.

Original column published on the blog. "The outlook of the provincial" on Yandex Zen

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