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I thought I would die: how to lose weight on the "Thai" pills


Source: The Village

Side effects, capsules of unknown origin and a quick return of extra pounds - this is what the "Thai" weight loss system is, which promises women the ease of being and ideal weight.

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Since 14 years, I played sports. At different times and with varying success, it was Wushu, shaping, Pilates, callanetics, a simulator (many years), aqua aerobics and Hot Iron, Galina Idrisova tells for The Village. And honestly, I did all this because I liked it. Because I always loved a toned body, and it was also very pleasant to feel the muscles.

Overweight did not bother me, until I knocked 24, when suddenly I scored. Boca treacherously hung from his jeans, his stomach did not get caught up, and his hands became loose. Realizing that without work on myself I could not see my usual 40 size, I went to shaping. I still remember him with respect. Thanks to the exercises (very lightweight), a pleasant feminine relief appeared, but the weight stood.

Decisive action

Then I took drastic measures - completely replaced the usual diet with fruits and vegetables. Every morning on the way to work I went to the store and bought apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes and cucumbers. And ... coffee bags. And every time I wanted to eat, I took out an apple or tomato and ate it with sweet coffee. Any nutritionist or an ordinary person who knows a little about healthy eating can now throw a stone at me. But at that time I did not think of anything better. And I lost weight so that I calmly entered 25 size jeans!

Literally in a month, I diminished before my eyes and was terribly pleased. I felt fine, literally fluttered, and the refusal of meat and fish did not affect me in any way.

Of course, I failed to stay within the framework of such a regime. Moreover, the apple version has stopped working over the years. The body did not give up. For periods, I managed to overcome myself and enter into a sports PP-shny mode for a year or two. But as soon as she gave up the slack in trainings, the hated extra pounds returned doubly.

Magic pills

By the way, over the years and the experience gained, I began to slow myself down. You understand with your head how much you need to train and what you need to look your best. But in my head one thing: yes, I know, yes I can, yes, I achieved, but I don’t want it again! I do not want! And there's nothing you can do about it.

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I began searching for the magic pill and found it. On Instagram, I came across a group offering Thai capsules. From communication with the seller I learned that you can lose up to 35 kg, depending on the needs and health of the body. By the way, it should work like a clock. At a minimum, the heart and kidneys should be perfectly healthy. After listening to all the recommendations and instructions, I ordered the "magic capsules." A couple of weeks received the parcel from Thailand. Unfolding the package, I saw a bunch of bags with multi-colored pills, each of which was marked “breakfast”, “lunch” and “dinner. Before each meal was supposed to drink a handful of capsules with an unknown composition and drink plenty of water. My first course promised in a month to reduce me to 10 kilograms and inculcate in my body the habit of eating little.

Side effect

How it was? I still remember with horror. I was hot all the time. And it's not just hot: I was sweating while sitting in front of the TV, as if I was plowing in the gym, and whenever possible I ran into the shower. Under the influence of the Thai "bears" I felt as if I smoked weed. Remember these feelings? The pupils are dilated, the head is working, but everything seems to be in a fog. Everything around is very strange and inhibited. Meanwhile, my heart jumped out of my chest almost all day and night. I did not do anything, because while taking pills you can't do sports at all. But my heart skipped as if I ran ten kilometers.

I started a panic attack. It seemed to me that I was about to die. I had to persuade myself not to take the phone in my hands and not to call an ambulance. I carefully hid all this “side-dressing” even from my husband, he was the only one aware of what I was doing with myself.

Lightness of Being

Why haven't I stopped? Because in parallel with these unique sensations there was something else. I did not want to eat anymore. Food for me did not exist at all. Over time, I had to push myself. I ate a salad, chewed on a chicken with difficulty. Everything was tasteless. You could only drink water: alcohol, coffee and even tea were banned.

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Already in the first week I lost five kilograms, then another and another. I melted like ice cream on the beach of Thailand. I was happy with my reflection in the mirror, and my favorite jeans were great again, a waist and thin hands appeared. I was not ashamed to undress on the beach. Is it worth it? I do not know. But after a few months, I started to gain weight again and panicked. By the new year I was heavier than a dozen kilograms. And again decided to buy a course to lose weight.

This time I took a program that promised "minus ten kilos in two weeks." I lost weight dramatically, I did not have to experience these terrible side effects for a month. I did not consider one thing: in the winter, we all often get sick, and this year was no exception. The son brought a virus from kindergarten, and we came down with him. Of course, the child was quickly put on his feet, but after a sharp loss of weight, it was difficult for me to get out.

And even by New Year's Eve, I even fell out of my shoes (I lost so much weight), I could not rejoice. And dark circles under the eyes could not hide even the best correctors.

A year and a half has passed since that moment. I scored twice as much. And again began to play sports. I work with weights, then five kilometers on the track. I feel strong and proud of myself. But I can not lose weight at all. I follow nutrition, I train 4 once a week and I don’t see the result. And further. I still don’t know how much damage has caused my health and how all these experiments will turn out for me in the future.

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