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Mariah Carey admitted that 17 for years hid mental illness


Source: Tatler

Mariah Carey, in an exclusive interview with People magazine, admitted that she has been struggling with mental illness for many years - bipolar disorder.


The singer was diagnosed in 2001 after a nervous breakdown, writes Tatlerand her first reaction was denial:

“I didn’t want to believe in it,” says Carey.

For several years, Mariah refused professional help: “I didn’t want the stigma of this disease to define me and possibly ruin my career. I was so afraid of losing everything that convinced myself that the only way to cope with this situation is to ignore it. Until recently, I lived in denial, isolation, and constant fear that someone would expose me. It was too heavy a burden, and I just could not bear it. As a result, I applied for treatment, surrounded myself with positive people and returned to my favorite activity - writing songs and creating music. ”


For a long time, the singer thought she was suffering from chronic insomnia:

“But it was not normal insomnia. I did not lie in bed and did not count sheep. I worked, worked and worked. I was constantly annoyed and afraid to let people down. It turned out that it was hypomania. ”

Mariah is now undergoing therapy and is taking medication for bipolar disorder. The condition of the singer is still unstable - she has periods of depression and periods of hypomania, characterized by irritability, insomnia and hyperactivity.

To confess to her illness, the owner of a unique voice with a range of five octaves decided because now she feels most comfortable and ready to talk about her illness. Carey believes that her confession will help people who are struggling with lonely disorder: “This disease should not determine you. I refuse to let her identify and control me. ”

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