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Mother of five children from California died in childbirth twins


Source: The Daily Mail

A mother of five children, who recently happily played a wedding with their father, suddenly died from a ruptured brain aneurysm just an hour after the birth of twins.

37-year-old Amanda Sawyer and firefighter Nick Reader became parents of twin girls Kelsey and Kaya 9 April in Fresno, California, five months after the wedding, tells The Daily Mail. The happy and long-awaited moment turned into a nightmare after Amanda became suddenly ill a few minutes after giving birth.

Her condition rapidly deteriorated, and an hour later the woman passed away. It later turned out that an aneurysm had burst in a woman’s brain. Nick mourns his wife and gets used to the new life of a single father of a newborn twins and the three older children of the couple.

Nick and Amanda were in seventh heaven when they found out they were expecting a double addition to their family last year. By the day of their wedding, they had been together for four years, each at that time had children from previous marriages - 11-year-old Caleb and six-year-old Anistin, and a common daughter, three-year-old Leila. The pregnancy was completely hassle-free. As Nick says, while waiting, Amanda chose names for the children and could talk about the character of each twin. “Now I met them too,” says the father.

Photos: Facebook, family personal archive

Children were born as a result of a planned caesarean section in April of this year in Clovis Community Medical Center. Everything went smoothly, and her mother hugged her newborn daughters when she became ill and she suddenly died. The doctors did their best, but Amanda failed to save the life. Later it became known that she had a brain aneurysm, which develops when one of the blood vessels loses its tone and swells. The aneurysm ruptured during childbirth, causing a profuse hemorrhage that led to a stroke.

At the moment, the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed countries worldwide associated with ruptured aneurysms, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Unfortunately, only 20% of aneurysms can be diagnosed by scanning, and pregnancy increases the risk of such rupture.

After Amanda’s death, the community collected 38000 dollars for a family through a page on GoFundMe, volunteers also prepare them food for a month. Nick shared his story to highlight the high maternal mortality rate in the United States.

“It can happen to anyone,” he says.

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