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Maxim Galkin boasted a vacation in Miami. A PHOTO


Source: 7 Days

Maxim Galkin, who is now in a long touring tour of the United States of America, boasted not only a vacation in Miami, but also an ideal press. But only two weeks ago, he publicly admitted that he had lost his former athletic form.

The presenter of the First Channel, who used to be slim and fit, gained a little extra weight. Fans some time ago noticed a change in the appearance of a TV star, but were embarrassed to directly tell him about it, writes 7 Days.

In late October, the TV host published a semi-nude photo, in a comment to which he admitted that he was embarrassed by his appearance. During speeches, Galkin can no longer hide his grown belly so easily.

Now he shares the secret of how to regain a great shape for the minimum amount of time. In what time? But literally half a minute!

“If you stand on your toes, take a breath - reach for the sun, your ribs will show you a press!”, Says Maxim, laughing.

Fans appreciated the joke of the humorist and began to check the focus in practice. Indeed, many have recognized that the reception works. And one old fan of Maxim, the singer Valeria, said that they repeated the trick with the whole family at once, but it turned out that he “does not work for everyone”!

Apparently, the star’s beloved husband, producer Joseph Prigogine, who has a few dozen extra pounds, did not cope with the task. Thus, it was experimentally revealed that the Galkin method works with people who have a maximum of 4-5 kilograms of excess weight in their arsenal.

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