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Transforming pasta: a new invention of scientists from Massachusetts


ForumDaily Woman

Flat macaroni, which grow when they are immersed in water and take on odd shapes? Sounds peculiar. Nevertheless, employees of the Tangible Media Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology invented something similar. Experts have created a noodle that changes shape upon contact with water - from two-dimensional it becomes three-dimensional.


One of the authors of the novelty, Wen Wang, admitted that he was inspired to create original pasta by an episode of "Star Wars" in which the heroine turned a powdery product into bread and water. The scientist became curious if it was actually possible to make a product that changes shape and volume immediately after contact with an aqueous medium. Together with colleagues, Wang created several flat sheets of food grade material, mainly gelatin and starch. The shape of such sheets really changed when immersed in water, increasing in volume. And the result could be controlled.

Video from the official YouTube channel of the laboratory:

According to the developers, now the cooking process turns into an adventure. In addition, the savings are obvious: in most cases, packages of pasta contain excess air and take up a lot of space during transport. After the invention of transformer noodles, the manufacturer had the opportunity to pack them more tightly, thereby carrying more volume at a time.

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