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Love to chat? Watch your wallet!


Source: Reader's Digest

Your personality type can influence how you spend your money. For example, the spending of extroverts grows in proportion to how often they go out to people, - says Reader's Digest.


A new study, published in the publication Psychological Science, confirms this fact: extroverts, more than introverts, tend to live beyond their means and get into debt. The experiment was attended by 718 people with low incomes who agreed to provide scientists with data on their age, work, savings, debts and even cash. Also, all of them filled out questionnaires and passed tests for personality type, personality traits and temperament.

It turned out that those participants who were identified as extroverts, more often spent on electronics, international flights, art works and other status sources of expenditure, compared with introverts. By the way, it is curious: when studying groups of people with high incomes, this difference was much smaller. According to scientists, extroverts compensate for low income by emphasizing their status, so they make purchases beyond their means or go on a journey to debt more often than more closed people. The experts concluded that what matters is not the amount a person spends, but how different personality types react to having a low income.

A purchase or a trip can make us happy right now, but it's always not for long, scientists say. While such free values ​​as communication, friendship, life experience and impressions in the future always give more satisfaction.

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