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Favorite products that were invented by chance


ForumDaily Woman

Not all products that are favorites of many people, appeared thanks to skilled chefs. Some of them turned out to be completely random, as a result of experiments and a combination of different ingredients.

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1. Waffle cups
Ice cream waffle cups appeared much later than ice cream itself. And before, a popular delicacy was laid out in ordinary bowls. But one day, at a St. Louis fair in 1904, an ordinary ice cream vendor ran out of bowls due to a high peak in sales. And next to the ice cream stand was a waffle stand. The waffle seller came to the rescue of his colleague and offered to put ice cream on the waffles. Later, this successful approach was patented - and so there was ice cream in waffle cups.

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2. Chips
Our favorite chips could never be on sale if it were not for one funny incident in 1853. George Crum worked as a chef at an expensive American restaurant. Moon's lake house. One customer criticized George for too raw and fat chips. The cook, in anger, sliced ​​the next batch of potatoes as thinly as he could, sprinkled it with salt and cooked it in a large amount of butter. Surprisingly, the restaurant’s customer was delighted with these crispy slices. The dish was introduced in a menu called "Saratoga Chips." After Cram opened his own restaurant, where he served potato chips.

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3. Coffee
A popular legend has it that the goat was the first consumer of coffee. One Ethiopian shepherd noticed the strange behavior of his goats. The goats were vigorous and energetic, and the shepherd decided to follow them. It turned out that the goats were eating the leaves and beans of some kind of tree. As it turned out later - it was a coffee tree. The shepherd tried the berries - they did not cause the slightest desire to eat them further. The man chewed the leaves - the same bitter and unpleasant taste. It seems that Mother Nature herself carefully hid coffee from a person. However, after a while the shepherd was surprised: he had been working all day, but he was vigorous, and he absolutely did not want to sleep.
He shared this mystery with the priests of the nearby monastery. Priests and monks in antiquity carried out almost all scientific research, and this case was no exception. They took up the amazing trees, and after a while it turned out that if coffee beans were pressed on water, the resulting drink had an invigorating effect.

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4. Sandwich
In 1762, John Montague, 4's Earl of Sandwich, played some kind of gamble with his friends and did not want to interrupt the game even for a snack. He instructed his cook to prepare food that he could easily eat without distracting from the game. Cook put beef between two pieces of bread. This is how a sandwich or sandwich appeared.

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5. Fruit ice
11-year-old Frank Epperson loved fizzy drinks. On the cold night of 1905, he left his soda water on the porch. In the morning, Frank discovered that the drink was frozen. Frank tasted the frozen soda and found it amazing in taste. 20 for years the young man made frozen treats, after which he founded his company.

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6. Tofu
The soft taste of tofu we owe to one awkward chef, who lived in ancient China. Legend says that the cook accidentally dropped magnesium chloride in a pot of soy milk. The result of a chemical reaction was tofu.

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7. Yogurt
Scythians and related nomadic peoples have long transported milk in waterskins on the backs of horses and donkeys. Bacteria got into the product from air and wool, fermentation took place in the heat, and constant shaking completed the work, turning the milk into a thick sour drink, which did not spoil for a long time and at the same time retained all its beneficial properties.
Pliny the Elder first reported about him, who wrote in his Natural History: "Scythians know how to condense milk, turning it into a sour and very tasty drink." This drink was diluted with water for drinking, and dried for food, getting something like cottage cheese.
According to one of the versions, the first to produce a product resembling yogurt were the ancient Thracians. They raised sheep and noticed that the soured milk was preserved longer than the fresh one, and they began to mix more fresh with the fermented milk from the soured milk, thereby obtaining the first yogurt.
According to another version, the first were the ancient Bulgars. First, they made koumiss milk from horse milk. Subsequently, when they settled in the Balkan Peninsula and created the First Bulgarian Kingdom, they began to breed sheep and produce yogurt from sheep's milk.

Photo: depositphotos

8. Beer
Beer is one of the oldest drinks known from the Neolithic along with honey, kvass and wine. According to some radical opinion, the cultivation of cereals began precisely for the sake of beer, and not bread.
It appeared 3000 years ago in Mesopotamia. The grain necessary for the production of bread, for which, in fact, it was sown, became wet. Then the fermentation process began with the production of liquid. Naturally, the Mesopotamians did not bake any bread, but the strange drink became widespread and today is the most popular alcohol in the world. Beer was in circulation throughout the ancient world, in particular in Ancient Greece - after about 700 BC. e. One of the earliest written records of beer comes from Xenophon (XNUMXth century BC).

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