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American favorite foods that immigrants flatly refuse to eat


Source: "Hello America!" on "Yandex.Zen"

Americans are not averse to eating delicious food, says the author "Hello America!" on "Yandex.Zen"... But it is quite possible that it tastes delicious only to them.

Photo: Shutterstock

Like every nation, Americans have their own eating habits. Some of them, immigrants from post-Soviet countries, cannot “understand”.

Chocolate covered bacon

Immigrants often do not understand at first glance ridiculous combinations of things that, in their opinion, simply cannot be combined. Americans pour fried eggs with jam, eat meatballs with sweet sauce, chicken with honey.

But most of the question arises when Americans dip flavorful, fried bacon in chocolate and then call it a "masterpiece."

Fancy coffee

Our people are very fond of coffee. We drink it at home and at work, sometimes several times a day. But Americans don't like plain coffee. They drink it, but only with a variety of flavors such as mint, caramel, ginger or pumpkin, whipped cream, and other ingredients.

On the subject: What to try in the USA: 10 best dishes of American cuisine according to our immigrants

Celery with peanut butter

Celery is considered another “tasty treat”, which is greased with peanut butter and sprinkled with raisins. By the way, in recent years, Russians have also begun to frequently buy celery stalks and consume them raw. But it would never occur to them to supplement celery with peanut butter.

Fried Marshmallow Marshmallows

American marshmallows are rarely consumed in the form in which they are sold. US residents prefer to roast them over a fire and then eat them. Sometimes they put the marshmallow between the cookies and heat it up. It turns out such a mini-cake.

Photo: Shutterstock

Deep fried

Americans deep-fry absolutely anything that can be fried! And that is not too. For example, breaded pickles or Oreo cookies.

Frito Pie

Something similar is being sold in some Russian cinemas. These are Fritos chips with melted cheese on top.

On the subject: Sickening to remember: 7 most tasteless dishes from the Soviet school cafeteria

Root Beer Floats

This is a delicious American dessert. That is, ice cream in soda. But soda is not simple, but similar to our kvass!


This is a stew, but not simple, but rather unusual and strange in taste.

Photo: Shutterstock

Fruit ice

Immigrants will never understand why there is ordinary ice covered with colored syrup.

Potato skins

And Americans also love potato skins. Also, by the way, deep-fried. In general, potatoes are not eaten very often in America. And if they cook it themselves, it is often in a uniform.

Original column published on the blog. "Hello America!" on "Yandex.Zen"

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