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Mafia leader ordered the murder of his daughter because of an affair with a policeman


Source: The Guardian

Native father gave the order to kill the girl due to the fact that she is in love with a police officer. And this order was given to her brother. Sounds like a story from a television series? Yes, but it all really happened in Italian Sicily, writes The Guardian.


Pinot Scaduto, head of the Bagheria syndicate, was arrested after he ordered his own son to kill his own sister. Scuduto’s daughter spun an affair with an Italian policeman, and we all know from books that the mafia and the police are the worst enemies. It turns out that this is actually the case (I want to pinch myself, is it really all real?).

Skaduto accused the girl of spying for the police. “Your sister has become an informant,” he said to his son and severely ordered to kill the girl. Skaduto Jr. advised his father, if he so wanted, to commit the murder on his own, referring to the fact that at the age of 30 he did not want to stain himself with his sister's blood. These conversations were intercepted by the police. The elder Skaduto tried to transfer the order to another killer, but he refused, because it was a family quarrel.

All of the above was confirmed by the Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano. “The Mafia calls itself an honor organization. But how honorable is it to order the murder of your child? ”- asked the minister rhetorically. Skaduto and 15 other mafia members were arrested.

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