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Personal experience: attitude to pregnant women in the USA



Americans themselves are very friendly and talkative people, and I never had a day with my belly without someone talking to me about this, be it a bus driver or a waitress in a restaurant. The cashiers in the supermarkets were especially impressed. So in 2 weeks they already knew everything about me, and I about them - how many children, grandchildren, their age, what births were, etc. They also gave me all kinds of advice. But for some reason everyone thought that there would be a boy. Like when a girl - the belly is more in breadth, and if a boy, then forward, like a ball. I had the second))

Top Questions:

  • How long?
  • Do I know the floor?
  • Have you already chosen a name?

Once they wanted to touch the stomach, but I did not allow it.


Do pregnant women give way to transport? I do not know)) I rarely used public transport. And when this happened, there were always empty seats. But the drivers did not forget to congratulate me.

Even if I walked along the street and did not speak to any of the passers-by, I still caught sight of myself, blurring in a smile.

And the most lovely began when children began to talk with a tummy and to be interested in my pregnancy. Well, at least there were no questions about the stork.

I switched the DA to 5 days. You had to see the changing faces of people when I said that my due day was yesterday. Everyone was afraid that I would start giving birth right before their eyes. Only one woman said that everything is OK, she is a nurse, if that.

Before, I was constantly complimented by men on the street and tried to get acquainted. With the advent of the abdomen, they vanished. And now all scares the stroller. These two things turned out to be much more effective than the ring on the ring finger, which, by the way, I do not temporarily wear.

And how to treat pregnant women in your countries?

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