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Personal experience: how to cook five dinners for only $ 20


Source: CNBC

Americans spend a lot of money on eating out. But home cooking may not be as expensive as it seems at first glance. Kathleen Elkins with the support of chef Joel Gamemore told CNBChow to cook five full meals, having a total of 20 dollars.

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1. Make a shopping list. In other words, think over the cooking plan rationally. Joel suggested that Kathleen uses pasta and couscous as it is cheap and satisfying, and also buys a whole chicken and stretches it for a week. Instead, the chef offered to buy grilled chicken, although it is more expensive than raw poultry. Cooked chicken will save time and nerves, and also become a source of protein.

2. Compare prices and go shopping outside your area. In local it can be more convenient, but, as a rule, they have a surcharge due to transportation and storage. Local farms and wholesalers often sell their products to stores cheaper than national grocery markets, so you can save money. But keep in mind that all this takes time.

3. The simpler the better. Instead of buying a ton of different ingredients, find a creative approach to cooking from several products - then you will not have to eat the same thing. Before you go to the store, make a list of what you need, and stick to it. No impulse purchases! Do not bring your credit card to the store, use a clear amount of cash so as not to spend more.

What did you buy on 20 dollars per week:

  • Carbohydrates: 1 box of couscous, 1 pasta package
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, frozen peas, carrots, broccoli
  • Protein: a dozen eggs, 1 grilled chicken
  • Other: bottle of coconut milk
Фото: Depositphotos

What did you cook:

1 Day: Roast Chicken & Sweet Potatoes

All I had to do was chop the potatoes, sprinkle with olive oil and bake for 20 minutes in the oven. A third of the grilled chicken was used in this dish. You can add a little carrot.

2 Day: Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

Kathleen baked one potato until soft, steamed carrots and broccoli, mixed it with the flesh and put it back in its skin. Potatoes left to put in the oven and bake, breaking an egg on top.

3 Day: Pasta Carbonara with Peas

Boiled paste, a mixture of two eggs, a small portion of milk and a handful of frozen peas - that's all that is needed. As soon as the pasta is cooked, add the hot mixture, mix - and can be served, even without cheese.

4 Day: Chicken Curry

While couscous was cooking, Kathleen mixed a third of the grilled chicken, a handful of peas, a cup of coconut milk and sprinkled it all with curry powder. When the mixture boiled, it was poured over the couscous - it turned out real curry.

5 Day: Fried Rice with Chicken

Couscous should be cooked in chicken broth in a pan, add the rest of carrots and peas there, on top of the ready dish to break the egg and fry until done.

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