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Lifehacks perfect makeup


ForumDaily Woman

Unusual but simple and effective ways to apply makeup - quickly, beautifully and stylishly.

Photo: depositphotos

1. The pencil turns into a liner ...

Is the line from your usual pencil too imperceptible and faded? It is enough to hold the tip of the pencil for only a second in the flame - and you will get a wonderful, bright eyeliner that lays down very smoothly. However, do not forget that the skin around the eyes is very delicate: after heating the stylus, let it cool for 10-15 seconds to avoid skin burns.

2. Shadows are even brighter!

In order for your favorite shade of the shadows to become richer and brighter, and the shadows themselves lay exactly and did not roll down, you just need to shade the white liner for centuries. And only then apply the shadow.

3. Draw perfect wide arrows

In order to avoid marriage, first with short strokes, a thin liner draw the outline of the arrow. Then fill it from the inside.

4. Smoky eyes? No problem!

All you have to do is draw a lattice icon (# - hashtag) in the outer corner of the eye and shade it with an applicator or sponge. Elementary!


5. Apply mascara without a trace on the eyelids

We take a teaspoon, apply to the eye, covering the skin of the eyelids. Apply mascara. Thus, even if your hand trembles, your eyes will not need to be repainted.

6. Extend the life of the ink

Just one drop of artificial tears or any eye drops, the bottles of which are sold in any pharmacy, is enough, and your mascara will return to its normal consistency and will last much longer.

7. Curling eyelashes

If you curl your eyelashes, then you probably have a curler. In order for the eyelashes to curl better and last longer, heat the machine with a hairdryer before using.

8. Fluffy eyelashes

In order to get the effect of perfect, fluffy and open eyelashes, lightly powder the eyelash roots before applying mascara. The effect will surprise you.

9. False eyelashes

If you need to glue false eyelashes, take stealth hairpieces instead of usual cotton swabs or toothpicks. Glue with its help is applied to the base of the eyelashes more conveniently.

10. Lipstick on lips only!

For this you need a brush and a thin napkin, which must be divided into layers. After you have painted your lips, apply one layer of the napkin to them and powder it through the napkin with a brush. Sponge in this case is contraindicated.

11. Make your lip gloss

To do this, we take the most common petroleum jelly from the pharmacy and mix it with loose shadows of the required shade. That's it - the shine with the shade you need is ready.

12. Making the lips even sexier

Lip pencil on the center of the upper lip draw a cross. Then apply lipstick. The dimple will become clearer, and the lips will become more plump.

13. Bags do not fit under the eyes

Elementary, but effective: apply concealer with a triangle, downward angle, with the base from the lower eyelid to the center of the cheek. Easy peasy!

14. Apply blush even more precisely

We take an ordinary pencil and apply it to the upper part of the ear and to the protruding part of the cheekbone. This is the very line on which to apply blush.

15. Fresh makeup long

You need a spray with thermal water and a regular napkin. We splash water on our face, gently blot with a napkin: the napkin will remove excess shine and even out the tone, blush and shade. After that, splash water over again so that the skin is not overly dull.

All these elementary, but amazingly effective ways really work and are simply meant to make your life easier.

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