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Quentin Tarantino first married: the bride is 20 years younger. A PHOTO


Source: RIA News

American director Quentin Tarantino married an Israeli singer and model Daniele Peak; for 55-year-old Tarantino, this is the first marriage, reports People.

According to the magazine, the couple got married in Los Angeles on Wednesday. It was a modest ceremony, for which Peak chose an elegant white dress with a veil and tiara. Tarantino put on a black suit, writes RIA News.

Earlier, Tarantino said that he chooses a job, not a marriage. In 2009, the director said that when he makes a film, he does nothing other than that; he has no wife and children and nothing can stand in his way.

Tarantino and Peak met in Israel on 2009. The couple later broke up, but in 2015, the lovers began dating again. In the 2017 year, they reported engagement.

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