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Chicken from Austria, nanny and separate bedroom: the heavenly life of the dogs of Lyubov Uspenskaya


Source: StarHit

Just like people and even better. This is about pets 65-year-old star chanson, in which she loves soul. Two Yorkshire terriers, canine Corso dogs, several elite cats live with their loving mistress in luxurious conditions.

Each animal has a personal nanny and a separate room, and the huge Corso dog, nicknamed Shiva, has his own house at all. "Mama" (Lyubov Uspenskaya calls herself that way) does not regret anything for the maximum comfort of her "children," says StarHit.

“They bring meat. Organics from Austria, from America and France. But my Frankie Junior does not eat meat from France or America, but only from Austria. I think he has Austrian roots. Now I will be in Austria, I am going there for the sake of it. And he is only our beef, ”the singer once shared on the air of Evening Urgant. Her story shook the leader so much that he asked with a smile if he could become her dog.

The wardrobe of the pet Ouspenskaya, named, by the way, in honor of the great singer Frank Sinatra, to match the menu. It consists of carrying bags, designer dog coats, jackets and slippers. The bedroom of the doggie is equipped with a restroom, on the wall of which a Latin letter “F” is laid out - according to the first letter of the name Frankie.

Any whims of a doggie performed with lightning speed. “He sleeps with me, and loves to sit on the handles with his assistant,” Lyubov Ouspenskaya describes his habits.

The singer does not part with the terrier for one day. On tour in Magadan and on holiday in Spain, they fly together. Once a loving mistress was in the center of the scandal, because she did not want to remove the dog in the carrier during the flight, as it should be by the rules. The actress had to leave the aircraft, change the ticket and fly another flight.

Terrier managed to become a celebrity on social networks. He has his own account, which is updated by more than four thousand people. A storm of emotions causes a manifestation of the pet's feelings towards its owner. “Sweetie like that, and I also love to kiss me,” “Little happiness,” “Well, to what a sweet dog !!!” “What a cute he is !!! let it grow to you for joy !!! ”, - they are touched in the comments.

Subscribers celebrate the sincere love and affection of the popular singer for their wards. True, some people do not understand this relationship, reproaching the owner that she pampers animals too much.

“In the next life I want to become Ouspensky’s pet!”, “Yes, this dog went to heaven during his life!”, “He lives better than many people!” - they make signatures to the photo.

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