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"I bathe in luxury!": Volochkova pissed off with pictures of beautiful life


ForumDaily Woman

Anastasia Volochkova pissed off her fans with a cheeky caption under a photo posted on Instagram. In the photo, a ballerina stands by a luxury car with a huge bouquet of white roses.


Subscribers are not forced to wait for caustic comments in response to a provocative statement, writes

“I was very disappointed,” “You need the help of a qualified psychotherapist, preferably in a hospital”, “The degradation of the personality is obvious!” some kind of "," Nastya has no brains and, it seems, never will. Unsubscribe, boring, dumb ”,“ I never write about anyone, but I could not not write here. Anastasia, what a stupid woman you are, ”the offended subscribers responded.

However, among the biting commentators there were fans who did not pay attention to the offensive statement of the ballerina.

“Anastasia, well done! Rest and enjoy life, it is so beautiful, success to you in everything, I adore you! You are great! ”,“ Nastya! May every minute of life bring you happiness. You deserve it. ” Note, there are few such comments.


Bravado, exponential luxury, demonstration of wealth - all this is appreciated by ballerina fans as a weakness, a way to hide misfortune, to wishful thinking:

“Volochkova is the most embittered and failed woman ... Her trump card is a string. Girls, let's regret it! ”,“ She has something to do with the rich ?! Old car and house - theatrical scenery, for which there is nothing to pay? The soap bubble is her wealth ... ”.

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