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Beautiful flowers for the yard or garden, for which you do not need to care


Source: Womanhit

We all love a beautiful country house, but not everyone is ready to spend the whole summer in the garden. Especially for you there is a decision how to decorate your piece of nature.

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Suppose you have a piece of beautiful land outside the city, but at the same time you hate everything connected with agriculture, you can be called a typical "dacha of dacha" and you will not be offended, writes Womanhit. However, even the laziest gardener wants to see his plot drowning in flowers and beautiful plants, and not the “bald” land. Especially for you, we have prepared our own top plants that do not require significant emotional energy from you.


Let it be a weed, but what a! First, he is beautiful, and secondly, you can say that you do not need to care for him. All you need to do is to buy a few bags and scatter around the site. And yet, beforehand, you need to loosen the ground a little, so that the plant can be strengthened without difficulty, perhaps this is the only effort that will be required of you.

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The flowers of the plant come in almost any color of the rainbow, however, if you want to preserve all the variety of colors, you need at least a little, but take care of the flower, namely, weed periodically.


As in the case of lupine, all you need is to loosen the ground slightly to ease the conditions for the seeds. In a few months you will receive a beautiful orange flower garden that will delight you throughout the summer and almost the whole autumn.

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Choose a terry type of calendula. Of course, there is the usual calendula, but terry is still prettier. Her most important bonus is that in the fall she will sow herself for you.

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In addition to its pleasant appearance, the plant is also edible. It is quite possible to make a delicious porridge or add leaves to the salad, if you follow the figure.

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If you have Spaniard friends, it is better not to invite them to your dacha during the period of active flowering of amaranth, since in Spain this plant is considered devilish, because with its help occult things were done that were banned in former Spain in centuries.


Even if the iris does not give the impression of a plant that does not require special care, it will certainly not give you much trouble, especially if you hate garden work. Just buy a seedling with a long rhizome, plant it so that there is only one back on the ground, after which you can forget about planting.

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After some time, the plant will fill most of the site, and next year your only iris will not be so alone.

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Although this beautiful flower looks noble, it is still a weed “in the soul”. The plant will thank you if you at least occasionally loosen the earth around and feed it with fertilizer. But even without this flower will not be sad.

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An important point: the lily is a very fragrant plant. Highly! If you are not ready for constant fragrance on your site, it is better to choose something less intrusive - the same lupine, for example.

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