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Coronaviruses do not die in the refrigerator: how to wash it in accordance with all the rules


Source: Life hacker

How to do it right and which is better to use, says Lifehacker.

Photo: Shutterstock

We know a lot of dirty places in the house that we carefully clean. But often we forget about the most important thing - the refrigerator.

Viruses feel great at low temperatures. Studies have shown that various types of coronaviruses can live in the refrigerator for up to 9 days. SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 is assumed to be no less tenacious. And in the freezer, viruses generally exist for years.

Other pathogens can also live on shelves with food. Among them are pathogens of respiratory, intestinal and even genitourinary diseases.

It cannot be otherwise, because you regularly bring from the supermarket and put in the refrigerator products that tens or even hundreds of people could touch before you.

On the subject: How many coronavirus lives on surfaces and what means to use for cleaning and disinfection

Even though there is now no evidence of the transmission of coronavirus directly through food, it’s not worth relaxing. After all, you may well accidentally rub your eyes or nose after contact with an infected product.

As a preventive measure, you need to wash the refrigerator at least once a month. Now is the time to do it. You will need:

  • Cleaning agent. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends the use of EPA-approved disinfectants to control coronavirus. Ordinary household cleaning solutions are also quite effective if they affect the surface for at least 1 minute. In extreme cases, you can wash the shelves of the refrigerator with soap or wipe with ethyl alcohol.
  • Sponge.
  • Cloth or paper towels.

When everything is ready, proceed.

  1. Unplug the refrigerator and remove all contents from it.
  2. Throw away spoiled foods - they are an ideal habitat for harmful microbes.
  3. Remove all shelves, remove drawers and wash them in hot soapy water - just like dishes. You can do this in the kitchen sink, if it is too small - in the bath.
  4. Likewise, thoroughly wash all dishes from the refrigerator in hot water, especially one that contains something stale.
  5. Use a cleaner to clean the entire refrigerator - the inside walls, the racks for the shelves, the door handle. Act, moving from top to bottom, so that the mud does not run down to already cleared places.
  6. Wipe the refrigerator with paper or cloth towels, then put the racks, shelves and drawers back.
  7. Put the food back, while making sure again that they are all fresh. Banks, bottles, containers and bags can be pre-wiped with alcohol.

Repeat this procedure regularly every 30 days, and you can reduce the risk of viral infection through food.

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