"Contacts with Russians here spoil the reputation": why the teacher from Russia did not remain to work in the USA
Source: Arguments and Facts
A Russian teacher who taught in the United States spoke about American “spy mania”, children's playgrounds on the roof, and why life in America made her appreciate Russia's culture.

The historian Elena Fedorova lived more than ten years abroad: she taught in Kuwait and Germany. But the pedagogical experience in the Russian embassy in the USA is a special page in her biography. She turned Lipchanka and does not want to open more. Why - correspondents found out «AIF-Black Earth».
Pupils "fence"
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs selects pedagogical staff for work abroad on a simple system. Schools regularly notify about vacancies, those who wish to apply to the department, then they are considered in the regional department of education, and then in Moscow. So Elena Fedorova and got this job. Knowledge in the embassy schools is given according to the Russian general education program, but with in-depth study of the English language.
“The children of the embassy employees, as well as the so-called“ fence ”offspring of our emigrants, study in such schools, - says Elena Fedorova. - Children from mixed marriages are brought to us, we teach children to employees of the embassies of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan - they do not have their own schools. The ambassadorial classes are small: from 7 to 16 people, - continues Elena Anatolyevna. - There is a rotation all the time: someone is leaving, someone is coming. At the end of the 2017 school year, the tenth grade, for example, was very small, three people, many left after our diplomats were massively expelled from the country. ”
The diploma of the embassy school is quoted on a par with the federal one. According to Elena Anatolyevna, no ideological battles on historical themes arose in her lessons. Children and their parents with a US passport normally perceived information that the main role in defeating fascism belongs to the Soviet Union.
“They still came to study in a Russian school, and everyone is somehow connected with Russia. Some great-grandfathers died in the war. The guys really remember their roots and are proud of them, - notes Elena Fedorova. - For example, among my students there was a girl whose father is Russian, mother is American, and her great-grandmother was a nurse at the front. On the eve of 9 May, the schoolgirl collected so much information about her! It was interesting for everyone to know her way, to see old photos. ”
One more myth that the American educational system is better than the Russian one, Elena Anatolyevna immediately dispel. She is confident that the American system has enough cons. Parents, as a rule, are not satisfied with the level of teaching in educational institutions.
By the way, there are two types of schools in the USA: general education and for gifted children. Education is free for everyone and everywhere. But at the same time there are private schools where the program is weak and the requirements are low, the main thing is that the children and parents are satisfied and regularly pay tuition.
Own and others
“Spy mania”, which totally captured the Americans, also touched the family of Elena Fedorova. Her daughter Anya decided to pull up English in the States. While still in Russia, the girl through the Internet met a young man from the United States who promised to give her a tour of Washington. But when she flew to her mother for a visit, the guy flatly refused to meet with her. Fedorov decided to find out what the reason. As a result, it turned out that the whole thing is in the work of Elena Anatolyevna.
The failed guide confessed that he wanted to make a career as a civil servant, and contacts with the Russians spoil his reputation.
“Yes, if desired, he himself could be mistaken for a potential spy. He studied in Russia, in St. Petersburg, knows the Russian language, our literature and cinema well, - smiling Fedorova. - Do you know what judgments he made about Russia? The country is barbaric, because it is inhabited by intolerant people who speak disapprovingly about Dozhd TV channel, and besides, they do not agree with the entire civilized world on homosexuality ... ”.
However, the story of the tour had an interesting continuation. After the first guide went down to the bottom, another one appeared - a man of years 35. The Fedorovs, already experienced by experience, did not tell the American that Anya was visiting the embassy. About this girl told a stranger at the meeting. Made it to look at the reaction of the man. And he admitted that in five minutes of conversation with a Russian he was sweating terribly. It turns out that he recently had experience with an Iranian, after which he received a call from the authorities.
However, state security is not forgotten in the Russian embassy either. Familiar Americans are invited to our territory "for tea" not often. Although Elena Anatolyevna says that in principle this is possible, but for this you need to get an admission, and this is a rather complicated procedure.
Therefore, as a rule, holidays are celebrated with their own. Here, for example, 8 Martha. According to Elena Fedorova, the “ambassadorial” men on this day are especially gallant: they give flowers and gifts, arrange musical and literary evenings. Buffet reception - strictly at lunchtime. Ambassador gathers all the women in the hall and congratulates. And in the evening they celebrate each in their company - according to their interests.
Washington is a native village
In his native Lipetsk, Elena Anatolyevna, colleagues often ask what was her first impression of the United States.
“I can talk about this for a long time,” she replies. - It is surprising how poor their own culture is for Americans. They bought all sorts of differences from around the world, filled museums with them ... It was there that I understood how deep and unique Russian culture was. Believe me, we have much to be proud of. ”
At the same time, the historian liked the fact that one can visit museums and galleries of the Smithsonian Institution for free, 19 in total, and 17 are located in Washington. Often went to Fedorov and outside the capital of the United States.
“It was in America that my ideas about American musicals changed. Previously, she considered them, albeit an art form, but somehow low-grade, with a touch of vulgarity. And so they went to New York to watch The Phantom of the Opera. Action struck me. So everything is honed, starting with the scenery and ending with music and performance that you marvel at. And the idea was present in the production, the teacher shares his impressions.
- And the city itself, by the way, turned out to be very dirty. At first, I wanted to pull on a suit of a microbiologist. In fairness it must be said that in New York there are great places. One of them is Central Park. There are huge and very beautiful fish in the pond. But the city puts pressure on the psyche. After he returned to Washington, as in his native village. "
The second time to work in the United States Elena Fedorova refused to go. He says that this is not her country. She expected that America is as clean and beautiful as Germany, that there are no homeless people and rubbish on the street.
“I was uncomfortable there, for example, I was completely disappointed with their catering,” continues our interlocutor. - Local people drink coffee mainly from disposable cups. African American teens are defiant. If they go in a group, it is better to step aside. ”
“But most of all I was struck by one playground. She staged on the roof of a high-rise building. When I saw her, I thought that unfortunate children no longer have a place on earth ... So I tied up with America. ”
Now Elena Anatolyevna works in the Lipetsk school and does not regret a bit that she remained in Russia.