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The girl dragged the horse to the parent's bathroom for the sake of selfie. A PHOTO


Source: Twitter

What you just can not do for the sake of the original frame, which then will please and surprise your friends in social networks. Some climb to the highest points of the world, the other descend into the dungeon. There is also a group of people willing to sacrifice their lives for a successful selfie.

But a resident of Georgia did not have to do anything heroic to become famous all over the world. During one of her visits to her parents, student Kate led the horse into the bedroom, and then into the bathroom - all for the sake of a successful selfie.

As she herself told later in her Twitter, her parents were not at home, she remained at home alone, therefore, in order to have fun, she tied the horse’s hoofs so that he would not inherit the house, and led him through the whole house. She sent her self to mom to cheer her up, mom apparently appreciated the joke, but her father did not know about this case for a couple of years.

Recall, recently a woman from Sacramento fell from Foresthill Bridge in eastern California while trying to take a selfie.

Trying to find a good angle, she walked along the beams at the bottom of the bridge and fell from an 18-meter height. She was taken to the hospital by helicopter in grave condition, later it was reported that the woman had survived, but she had a very long way to recover. The Place County Sheriff said that “the paths under the Forest Hill Bridge are off limits to the safety of our residents and our community. Any trespassers found on the bridge will be punished. Be careful and cross the bridge on the sidewalk above. This girl was lucky to stay alive, and the consequences could be worse for her and for the family. "

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