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Houseplants that bring love and family happiness to the home



Most people think that potted plants bring nothing but aesthetic pleasure. But amateur gardeners argue that this is not entirely true. Home flower can be a real talisman for the family and fill the house with happiness. Here is the ranking of the seven most popular colors that give family happiness and bring love.

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This plant favors men and is able to make men stronger, writes Singles will receive success from the weaker sex, married will bring happiness to the family life. An unmarried girl should start this plant to create conditions for future happiness. The plant is spectacular, it has large dark green leaves, shaped like a heart, on long cuttings. Bloom with proper care can all year round. It blooms fluffy white or yellow spikelets, which are framed with red, pink or snow-white rims.

It grows large, reaches a height of 80 cm. The length of the leaves is about 40 cm, the flowers form up to 20 cm. However, it is not long-lived - after three years the flower dies.

Important! The plant is very poisonous, so keep children and animals away from it.

Anthurium loves heat and light, as it naturally grows in Central and South America. In order for the “male flower” to feel like in its homeland, it needs to be sprayed twice a day. At the same time keep inflorescences from water, which can crumble from it. The flower is watered in the winter once a week, and in the summer - 2-3 times. Anthurium has long been part of a group of plants that bring family happiness.


This plant brings good luck. Oxalis or Kislitsa room in the form of leaves resembles clover. It is accepted to give this plant for holidays. The four leaf leafberry is especially valuable, it promises unbelievable luck to its owner.

If you try to taste the acid will be sour, because it contains oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant, depending on the species can be painted in green, lilac color, and can consist of two at once. Every night and in cloudy weather they tend to take shape. Oxalis blooms several times a year, its small size flowers are:

  • pink
  • yellow
  • white.

It is necessary to care for a plant by watering it once a week, protecting it from direct sunlight and preventing the temperature from rising above 25 degrees. Fertilize occasionally.


This plant is very common. Chlorophytum grows luxuriant rosettes, has long leaves of a light green color, fringed with green. He has many names:

  • "Splashes of champagne",
  • "Bride veil",
  • "Spider",
  • "Green Lily".

However, most often it is called "family happiness", because it is considered the patron saint of the family. The plant is able to be not only a talisman of couples, but also to bring benefits to the house. Proved the destructive effect of chlorophytum on bacteria that are contained in the air. If two tablets of activated carbon are placed in the pot near the roots, the effect will increase.

Two-three containers with chlorophytum, which is charged with coal, work no worse than the filter-cleaner.

Moreover, it contains a large amount of essential oils. If you smell it, stress will go away and the state of the nervous system will normalize. Because chlorophytum maintains a healthy atmosphere in the house, it must be exposed to the sun and more often watered.

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The plant looks strictly and restrained, it can be called an ascetic, because Kalatea can go without water for a long time. Homeland is South America, where the tribes often used its strong leaves to weave baskets. Therefore, Kalathea became the patroness of a strong and long marriage, in the house where she is cherished, happiness reigns. This is a female flower.

Plant with large solid leaves with a pattern. A healthy flower has leaves of one tone and clear lines on them.

This indoor female flower grows up to 60 cm with a leaf length up to 30 cm. If the calathea is not properly cared for and only watered occasionally, it will live no more than 4 years. But if she is regularly replanted and monitored for her health, then her life will become infinite.


This small shrub is easily recognized by its thick stalk and a large number of round, fleshy leaves. Many people see hearts in them and for sure this was the reason for the name of the plant - “the tree of love”. Romantics provide evidence that the tree is really “love”, because under natural conditions, an aihrizone is able to grow in rocky terrain, where there may not be enough food for another plant, and it lives against all odds.

The flower grows up to 30 cm, leaves with lettuce to green color may have whitish, reddish or brown spots.

In order for late orchidron to ripen to a state of flowering, efforts must be made. In the summer, it must be maintained at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, providing frequent watering, and it must be watered once a week during the cold season, subject to temperatures in 10-12 degrees. From time to time, the “tree of love” needs to be sprayed, and the leaves of hearts also need to be wiped with a cloth so that there is no dust. If these conditions are met, you can in May enjoy the bright inflorescences of small yellow or red flowers, suns.


Often, the bride and groom give a fragrant myrtle. He is able to bring home peace, friendship and trust between spouses. If a myrtle shrub grows in an apartment, it means they will support each other and hold back in outbursts of anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Maybe the reason is the subtle, soothing scent of a flower. After all, the Greek word "myrtle" means "balm."

Houseplant can reach one meter. The plant is not easy to grow, because it loves a sunny place with scattered rays. The temperature is moderate from 17 to 20 degrees in the warm season, and 7-10 in the winter. Watering should be done quite often and make sure that the substrate remains wet. The bush should be sprayed regularly. The leaves of an adult myrtle are used to make balms and tinctures.


The plant came from Asia. She has another name - "Ivy". At home, it is a small shrub with long whips shoots. Blossoms spherical inflorescences, emit a sweet nectar with an exciting smell. Hoya is considered the patroness of young lovers, loyalty and tenderness. This is a female flower.

In order for the plant to grow well and not be capricious, it should be kept at a temperature of 22-15 degrees in summer and 10-15 degrees in winter. It requires diffused lighting, rare spraying and watering with settled water is recommended. Hoya blooms with small flowers of inflorescences with purple stars in the middle. House with blooming hoya is considered happy.

These seven plants are able to bring home, where they live and thrive, good, happiness, love and mutual understanding.

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