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When it is better to chew than to say: 7 things he is forbidden to do with you

Sveta Kotina



There are things that you begin to understand not with age, but with experience. Obviously, men are quite different from us, and this is good, but there are things that you don’t have to put up with.


1. Insult to you if you do not participate in the discussion

Everyone has their own tastes and opinions, as well as a certain attitude towards many things. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, as well as the right not to discuss it. Sometimes a man wants to discuss an episode from "The Sopranos" or loudly complain about the lack of "Mexican" food in a Mexican restaurant - and this despite the fact that he himself is not Mexican at all, but an Icelander with blue eyes, and has a very distant idea of ​​Mexican cuisine. You have every right to refuse him. In turn, he should not perceive this as a denial of freedom of speech and should not make attempts to force you into a conversation that does not interest you. Point. In this case, it is not necessary to beat the man.

2. Trespassing

Each person has his own idea of ​​the ethics of a particular issue. And yes, not all women are pleased when they whistle after them. They also do not really like it when familiar men admit obscenities and some kind of oily jokes when communicating, both in real life and in social networks. Very often, a woman is not particularly interested, but rather annoying, if her friend made a bet with others whether the woman is good in bed, or what a stunning erection her new outfit caused. This is only allowed for a man who is in a relationship with her - no one else. Compliments, please.

3. Considers PMS to cause your bad mood.

There are tons of jokes that are harmless and funny in themselves when they are not directed at you. Everyone knows that the hormonal background of a woman these days is wonderful and fervent. About a miracle - even you know about it! But no one has the right to project their lack of tact and primitive thoughts on you. And if there is a narrow-minded brave man who will try to tell you about it - let him stay away from you, but rather, screaming away into the distance.

4. Confronts the fact of helping someone

That's how snow on your head. Without asking your consent. Just one fine moment they ask for a favor: help with writing a thesis, find a job for a grandmother with no work experience (but what kind of pies she bakes!), Introduce Aunt Nyura to “that professor-gynecologist” ... And that's all - you cannot refuse. It is free use of your time, knowledge and energy. This is not the case when a man asks for your consent. The rest is involuntarily sent back to those times when women did work either for free, or this work was paid much lower than men's.

5. Discusses your weight

Even if your friend or friend is near, the phrase from his mouth that you have recovered, no matter how laughed you are at the same time, will naturally lower your spirits below the baseboard. By the way, the phrase, the opposite in meaning, but abandoned just like that, without your request, is better not to say: after all, it means that all those extra pounds were seen earlier. Even if it is, it is still unpleasant. Therefore, it is best to remain silent or simply state the wonderful fact that you look like a ho-ro-sho.

6. Says you're not like everyone else

In fact, this is not a compliment from a man you have known for about 5 minutes 43 seconds. In fact, he says to you: “I have a low opinion of women, but I give you a chance and I hope that you are an exception to their rule, continue to be so pleasant to me, not like everyone else…”. That is, your default fault is, unhappy, that you were born a woman. Youth tends to pass, and in its spirit it will rank you among the "women" and again look for someone different from everyone else.

7. "In general, I'm good"

Considering yourself good, like being good, is good for self-esteem. But if a man makes angry racist, homophobic or xenophobic attacks against someone else, and then, having dropped the momentum, conciliatoryly declares that he is a “bright person” - run from him. Adults can have their own opinions, but they refrain from making unfounded statements about other people precisely because they are restrained and well-mannered. And with your phobias, let him turn to a specialist. You, in turn, will make room near you for a normal person.

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